late chapter

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So Christmas and New year's have passed and I had a lovely holiday if anybody that sees this cares at all. I g found out some stuff about my family and whatnot, but that's not I'll important. Over break I figured out I am bisexual :/ . I'm not sure if I should tell anyone because my parents don't think that bisexuals exist they just think their confused (shocker) and I can't tell anyone at school because I go to a Christian school, and everyone will think the devil has possessed me or sumting.

  I still really like that guy I wrote about last time. It's so weird for the past week he's been in all of my dreams and its starting to freak me out. Not him ,I still have a huge crush on him. And I actually found out he likes me too ,bit Idk how to talk/flirt with guys this one in particular.

If anybody has any advice for me with either situation please give it to me please I have no idea what I'm doing. Thanks:)

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