chapter 10 : "O-oh that..s"

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"What's that behind your back?" Faik asked.

"Well the file, that every time I go this room. I always see this file" I answered.

"O-oh that..s" he said, with a flustered face. And the shyness, I never met someone like Faik before, so that's a little weird for me to say.

"Hey are you okay?" I said and i chukled a little.

"I'm okay, but wait, we didn't think about clothes!" Faik said, with a very unusual face.

"Oh yeah, but can I ask you something" I said.


"Can I borrow some of your clothes, for now?"

"Of course, but, are you sure though"

"Yes, why not"

"Okay, if you say so"

Writer's POV
Meanwhile, Rauf and Lauren was suspicious about Faik's  "Reason's", but Lauren got idea, and Rauf accepted it.

"Okay, but we need get Faik out of the room, or we will do something wrong" Said Lauren.

"Okay if you say so" said Rauf.

"come at night and get the item's we need for plan" said Lauren.


At night.

*knock knock*

"Password Please" said Lauren.

"Well you know it's me Rauf" Rauf said.

"Did you get all the item's i asked" Lauren said.




"Voice transformer?"





"Yeah, but where we need it?" Rauf said.

"I eat it, I don't have money for chocolate" Lauren said.

"Okay, so we need to go to the air-conditioning pipe. Then we change our voices with Voice transformer, and scare the shit out of him" said Lauren.

"Understood?" Said Lauren.


At the air-conditioning room.

"Is that the pipe?" Rauf said.

"Yes, you need to open it with the Screwdriver" Lauren said.

"There it is, under us is Faik's bed and him" said Lauren quietly.

"Give me the voice transformer" said Lauren quietly.

"Thanks" said Lauren.

"This is going to be funny" said Rauf.

"Now it should sound like a ghost" Lauren said.

"Faikkkk~we are here to take you to your worst nightmare~~~~"

Faik's POV
what was that. I know what was that. Of course it was Lauren, why would a ghost sound like Lauren. And lucky for them, I was hiding in air-conditioning room. And I made a managuin laying down on my bed. Now let's scare that shit out of them. Lucky for me, I know Lauren and Rauf's biggest fears GHOST'S. And I have a voice transformer too. Now let's scare them.

"Lauren~ Rauf~we are the lost souls~~~" I said.

I have some fake blood, I have to spread it everywere, so they will be so scared. And then I will do those voice's  again and then hide. Then go to our room and hide the evidence. I'm so evil.

"I'm going to take you guys to hell~~~~~ for not making cookies~~~~" I said now I have to hide and watch.

"AAAAAAHHHH GHOST'S THEY'RE GOING TO KILL US" they both said and runned to outside. And this is why you shouldn't mess with me again.

Hey, hope you guys enjoy. I tried my best to make it long enough for you guys. Cause you guys deserve the best. Anyways bye bye hope ya enjoy.

Word count: 532

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