a Vial revelation

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not my comic ..buut it represents Vial well soo ^

.....yes i made a pun i like puns

 sooo some context right??? naa if you want that context wait until the end ill put it in the closing sequence 

this is for the lovely and sweet @HappySnaps who wanted to see my boy Vial 

whats my obsession with full stops??

ok enough of my blabbering, on to it!!


ink sat, well floated in his doodle sphere, he was deep in thaught about how he was going to deliver all of this food he braught from farmtale to horrortale, he may be souless but he wasnt inconsiderate, he knew that the residents of horrortale were hungry , but they didnt like him so that wasnt gonna happen..unless

ink got an idea and set to work

after some time he was finished, carefully picking the box up as to not squish the delecate fruit and veggies inside, he proudly makes a portal and jumps through, n one will recognise him as he made a hood to cover himself with, nonetheless he stuck to he shadows staying invisible untill coming across the horror bros house, he places the box on the doorstep and with three quick knocks to get someones attention, he hid in the shadows once more 

------change in pov----

horror was sleeping untill he heard three quick knocks, he groaned but it could be his brother coming back from the witch undynes castle, so he got up and opened the door 

as he did so however he didnt see anything, well not entirely true there was a brown cardboad box on his doorstep, he must admit he was a bit courious, surely theres a letter somewhere....aha!! horror tore the letter off the box and gave it a read:

hello horror brothers

 i saw that your au doesnt have food so i braught some fuits and vegtables from farmtale, please dont eat it all at once and keep it away from undynes knowledge. i understand if you dont trust me i wouldnt trust random boxes either. either way call my name if you need some help, 

forever looking out for you...Vial 

horror looked confused, 'did he spell his name right??, im assuming its Vile instead ' and he also had the feeling...

he was being watched  

feeling unsettled, he took the box into his house and opened it...the letter was right it was filled to the brim with fruits and vegtables, so full in fact that as soon as he opened the box three tomatoes rolled out of the box hitting the floor, the round red fruits/vegtables, were big and brightly coloured, horror picked one up and hesintaly took a bite....

it was delicious, and sooo juicy.....it wasnt poisoned either, he needed to tell everyone ..then the thaught about the note..except those who would tell queen undyne yeah perfect


there was a roumour going on about a new monster named Vile going around and helping the bad guys like, training the fell universes to fight better, giving horrortale food weekly, gifting dust and killer better,stronger knives, and stealing books for nightmare and leaving them on the doorstep of his castle monthly


ink was floating in his doodle sphere, making a scarf for error the click clack of needles echoing around the empty and silent plane, he was productive the last few months, giving nightmare books, making weapons for the bad guys, training the fells... yeah busy busy, the hardest part was making an alias for this..Vial although people acedentally  misstook it as Vile instead, eh better for him, he also made a hood for his face cloaking it in shadow so no one could tell it was him, he had just hoped people werent being too talkative about this ...  

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