Chapter Eighteen: Gone

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He had left her.

Sakura wrapped her arms around her knees, hating the feeling of the tears welling up in her eyes as she lingered in the doorway. Madara had run away, just like Sasuke had, and all she could do was watch. Her hands curled into fists. She was too small and weak to venture out after him, even if she still somehow had access to her mokuton. It drained her too much, or so the small trickle of blood from her nostril told her. At least she hadn't passed out that time... That was a small mercy.

Dimly, she heard the golden-haired elf catch up to her, but she was too busy valiantly trying to hold back the tears and the sobs. Because it was Sasuke all over again. Madara was going to get hurt – she could feel it in her bones – and there was nothing she could do to stop it. She was useless, yet again, and this time there would be no way to train herself up in two years. Because she would still be painfully short, and she had the steep inclination Madara wasn't going anywhere near as safe as going to Orochimaru would be. Sakura snorted, a choked sob which soon had her wrapped in a hug by the familiar bright-soothing warmth. She missed Madara's raging-inferno warmth already.

Scowling, Sakura glared at the collar of the tunic she was cuddled against, hating the fact she sounded so damned dependent on a grumpy git who'd ditched her – his best clue – for some suspicious wolves. Huffing, she slumped forwards, hiding her face as she heard more footsteps approaching. Wasn't Madara supposed to be an awesome war veteran who was mildly intelligent and good at figuring out opponent's strategies?

'Infinite Tsukuyomi,' Inner chimed in.

And yes, of course. That explained everything. Sakura sighed. Madara was a First Class Idiot of the highest order. And now he needed his dumb arse rescued. Her sniffles stopped, but the comforting pats on her back didn't. Sakura allowed herself to bask in the safety of the embrace for a short while longer. After all, she wouldn't be feeling particularly safe again anytime soon.

There was no Naruto there for her to send after him this time. Well not one she trusted so much to listen to her and chase after an Uchiha idiot unrelentingly. Though she did admit Glorfindel did a damn good job of at least looking somewhat like her old friend. She wasn't going to be left behind ever again. Who gave a damn if Madara was better at surviving in a strange unfamiliar world than she was? She knew how to use a knife, and she knew where Madara had been taken. Now all she needed to do was get herself the right equipment and outwear, and then run like hell.

Elves, she had learnt, were fast runners though more so when they travelled on horses. Though in the dense woodland, it would be hard for a horse to traverse the distance... unless they found the trail she could faintly remember seeing in the dream. Sakura thought over the tall horses, sighing as she realised she would probably have to use one if she wanted to chase after Madara and make it in good time to rescue him from his idiocy.

Horse riding couldn't be too difficult, could it?


It was.

Horses were confusing, especially to a shinobi who was so used to travelling via the trees. Not that she could really do that anymore. Though Sakura didn't let that stop her as she clung to the saddle, praying she didn't fall off – though she had gotten better at breaking her fall over her last few weeks of exploration.

Losing her minders earlier on in the day had been simple, as had breaking into the kitchens and the armoury to find food and weapons befitting of her size. Now, Sakura rode hesitantly, using the meagre knowledge she had gained from missions involving horses to guide the one she rode along.

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