8 | Beast Tamer

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Mwezi woke the next morning to a beautiful soreness between her legs but it made getting up difficult. "Good morning my beautiful mate."Paka said as he kissed her cheek. "Wait, let me help." he said as he rolled over and pulled a mason jar off one of the makeshift shelves. "I had the doctor make a healing salve for you since I knew it could leave you sore afterwards." he said with a smile as he began to rub the salve on her, between her legs. 'My Paka. So thoughtful.' she thought to herself. "Thank you Paka. I appreciate it and your thoughtfulness." she said with a warm smile. Paka blushed slightly and nodded with a proud smile. "Anything for my mate." he replied and kissed her forehead.

They played lazy for some time while they let the salve work and help her. "Once we get you home I'll give us a bath and then apply more salve." he said as he began to pack up small items in a bag he used to bring everything over. "I'll carry you so you don't have to sit on my back and hurt yourself more." he said with a smile as she wrapped herself in the blanket, her clothes tattered and strewn about. She nodded, "Better not drop me! Imagine what could happen if I was carrying your pups!" she joked and he gasped with realization.

He dropped to his knees in front of her and nuzzled his face to her belly muttering apologies to possibly imagine babies for something he hadn't even done. Mwezi couldn't contain her giggle and wondered what their kids would look like. Then her heart dropped. What if they couldn't have kids? What if they couldn't shift because of her? Paka seemed to sense her panic because he shook her by her shoulders when she didn't react to him calling her name. "Mwezi!" he yelled as her eyes finally snapped to him and a tear slid down her cheek.

" My beautiful mate, what's wrong? Are you hurting? Do you regret last night?" he asked, his own fears welling up. She quickly shook her head and he wiped her tears. "What's wrong my love?" he asked and she sighed. "You know I'm not, yanno, from here and I'm worried. What if they kids can't shift because of me or we can't have kids?" she confessed as the tears fell in streams. Paka pulled her close and held her tight. Even if they can't shift, our pups are still our pups and will be loved regardless. As long as you and they are happy I could care less. And if we cant have our own I'm sure there are plenty of homeless pups we can still shower with love.' he said cupping her face and making her look at him in the eyes.

"This is a time for celebration and happiness. As long as I am with you and caring for you I am happy. No more sad tears Mwezi. We will make it work." he said and kissed her on the lips. She let a soft giggle and nodded before he tore some of the blanket and used it to wipe her nose like she was a child. "Thank you." she whispered looking down ashamed. "Anything for you." he replied in the same whisper as he kissed her head and then rested their foreheads together. "Let's go home, yeah?" he asked and she nodded, throwing her arms into the air.

He smiled and scooped her up bridal style as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Once he was sure she was secured he jumped out of the tree and began their run back home. It didn't take as long as she thought it would on his two feet vs four. She started recognizing their surroundings fairly soon but there was a group of bird cries overhead as a flock of eagles circled her and Paka. Paka looked at her with a shaky smile. "Don't worry, I got you." he assured her and began to pick up the pace. "Paka, just shift. It's okay, I can handle it." she said and he reluctantly nodded as the birds cried out again

He put her down and gave her the bag to allow him to shift as the birds dove through the canopy. Paka partially shifted, his eyes going full cat and his claws extending with his canines. Some of the birds landed on large branches overhead and others landed on the floor, shifting back into their human forms. "Weeeelllll welly well, what do we have here? A newly mated couple by the smells of it." the man she assumed the leader was. "What do you want feather brain?" Mwezi snapped, already annoyed with the entire situation. "Ohhh she's a spicy one I see. I love that in a woman, yanno." he said, stepping closer before Paka stepped in front of her.

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