Chapter 15

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Pidge's P.O.V

Shiro and I are heading down the hallway right now. Looking for the team. We have to tell them about his new features. We've been looking through The castle for a while now.
I wonder if Shiro's ears and tail are sensitive, they probably are, just how sensitive are they?
I don't think I was paying enough attention to my surroundings, cause the next thing I know, I'm collided with a wall and on the floor with a shocked face.
"Katie, are you ok," Shiro says rushing up to me. "Yeah, I was just lost in thought, I guess," "oh, what were you thinking about," he says, looking down at me. Should I tell him, meh I guess. "I was thinking about your ears and tail. How sensitive are they, I kinda wanna find out," I said looking to the side. "We can figure that out later," he says. "Alright, but should we tell the team dramatically, or just straight to the point," I ask. "How about straight to the point," "so should we hide them when we find them, then remove them randomly," "sure, that works for me," he responds. "Have you ever taken that bracelet off," he said, gesturing to my right wrist. The bracelet from my dream, it has a silver band, with golden leaves engraved into it, and a dark green crystal on it. "No, I've tried, but all it does when I touch it, is let out a lion like roar, and changes me into that one fighting outfit, from that dream, the one you guys watched by using the new pod we made," I said. "Oh,"

~time skip~

Oh my quiznak, where are they. I mean the last place to check is the lounge. "My gosh, why can't we find them~~~" I groaned. "Gotta have patience," he says smirking. "Oh, like you have it all the time with slav," I say poking his arm. "Oh hush, we're almost at the lounge," he says giving me a sideways glance. "What," I ask. "Nothing, just making sure you don't run into anymore walls," he says nudging me into a wall. "You have the seconds to run," I say stopping and glaring at him. "You don't be able to catch me, remember the forest, and now my speed has increased," "three seconds are over," I say playfully lunging at him. Of course I missed. He darts of through the halls, I bet I could catch him. I charge right after him, no mercy, full speed, catching up quickly. "Fine, his I'll have to get help," he says Bertie making a sharp turn into the room, causing me to go sliding into a wall. "What is with all the walls," I practically yell, before going into the room. To see Shiro staring at a shocked team, and him not really knowing what to say. "Guys, I don't know why, but, Shiro got ears and tail like me, and had already become a lion, so yeah, any questions," "yeah I have one," Lance says. "Why were you chasing Shiro," "well earlier I walked into a wall, so he started teasing me, then he looked at me, and said nut to walk into anymore walls then pushed me into a wall," I say. "Wow, well, your lions also decided to mess with if today," Keith said. "Well imma go talk to Nature, so bye," I say, quickly giving a peck to the cheek to Shiro, then running off.

Nobody's P.O.V

Pidge just kissed Shiro on the cheek. Catching everyone off guard, even her own boyfriend.
"What was that," Keith said. "Well uh you see, I have stuff to do, bye," he said before running off. "What just happened," Hunk said. "Are they together," Lance said. "Isn't Shiro older than Pidge," Coran asked. "Yes, I pretty sure they're four years apart," Keith replied. "Well that's not that far apart in age," Hunk said. "True, but quick question, Hunk," "hm," "since they're both part animal, is it possible for them both to go into heat," "well yeah, but we don't exactly know how sensitive Shiro's ears and tail are, we know Pidge's, she has a certain limit, it depends on how sensitive they are to touch," Hunk replied "oh," "so just by the touch of they're ears and tail, and how sensitive they are, is how they go into heat," Keith said, "yes, and if they have a heat season," Hunk said.

Surprises (Shidge and Klance) VoltronNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ