Chapter 20

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Wait. Don't skip this. I got my first three followers. I know it's not a big number. But still.

First. VoltronMoon, @VoltronMoon also go ahead and read her books. They're really good.

Next. rferguson02, @rferguson02. They also have a great book.

Last. Jay, @Lunary_wolf. No she hasn't written any books. But she's really nice, and showed me some good books. 

So shout-out to these three for being my first three followers. Now onto the story.

Katie's P.O.V (also just pretend Matt asked about her prosthetic limbs)

"Matt, I can explain," I say. "Alright, explain, privately, but Shiro stays," he says, giving Shiro a death stare. It's not like mine or mom's. It's just a regular death stare. But as soon as Hunk, Allura, Keith and Lance leave. Midnight and Nature come strolling through the door. "Oh uh, hey you two," I say waving. Midnight and Nature walk up to me as I sit down on the sofa. Nature jumping up next to me, laying her head down on my lap. While Midnight played on my feet. I couldn't move if I wanted to. "Alright, now I have another question, where did the lions come from?!" Matt yells. "Alright, we don't really know where they came from. They came while Katie was on the verge of death. Katie and I just recently got theses ears and tail, we're partially part animal now. Our lions decided to do this. Also she was captured, Galras took her arm and leg," Shiro said. "What about my other two questions. Why were you holding my sister like that, and why did you say pregnant," he said folding his arms. "Well Mathew, Shiro and I, well we're together," I say. "Well, when I said look after her for me, not exactly what I meant, but eh," "so, animals have heat, meaning they need to mate, and I hope you know what that means, anyway, I went into heat, so Shiro being the good boyfriend he is. Helped me. Now I'm pregnant," "I don't know why, but I'm actually not really bothered by this," he admits. "So you're excited about being an uncle," "duh, why wouldn't I be, but now I'm thinking," "hm," I reply. "How the quiznak did my little sister get into a relationship before me, and become a parent," he says pouting. "You'll live," I say before posting his back and walking off.

Don't know what else to put dip we gonna skip through some months and explain what happened during them, and some memories.

Month one.

Katie had morning sickness every morning. Small mood swings. Practically ate peanut butter every chance she got. One time Matt tried to take her peanut butter, saying she ate too much. He got out with a bruise on the stomach and a pissed off Katie.

Month two

Katie's stomach got a little bigger. Small Galra fighter ships attacked. Katie helped, against the others wishes, and was lectured by everyone. Lance stole one of Pidge's newly finished projects. She ended up crying for an entire quintant. (If you don't know the names for months years days minutes and hours. Search Voltron legendary defenders glossary) Matt almost beat some sense into Lance. He would've done it if Keith hasn't tackled Matt.

Month three

Katie Started have to wear skirts. The team had to lock her in the control room with Allura and Coran till the team was done. She would ignore everyone for a few vargas, till she got either lonely or hungry. 

Month four

Matt had long kicked Shiro out of Katie's room and stayed on the floor to 'protect' her. (As if Shiro couldn't) occasionally, Matt would go to sleep holding her hand. One night, Katie had a dream she went into labor. Matt woke up screaming from Katie crushing his hand. The team ran in finding Matt in an awkward position biting his hand. It's took them a few dobashes to get her hand off. Surprisingly she had started asleep the whole time.

Month five (current month) Shiro's P.O.V

We are currently on month for of Katie's pregnancy. I love her, but her mood swings are TERRIBLE. One minute she could be happy eating some cookies hunk made. And the next she'll be sobbing uncontrollably about her dog bae bae. Or she'll be angry, then she'll be happy and acted like nothing happened. She punched Keith right in the face once for saying technology was a waste of time.

~ flashback bright to you by Pidge's mood swings~ nobody's P.O.V

Everybody was sitting in the lounge taking. Katie was laying on Matt's shoulders listening to everyone, pitching in every now and then. Keith and Lance started talking. She decided to eaves drop on the two. See if they were doing or talking about anything they shouldn't. She hasn't really paid to much attention to it. Her ears laying flat on her head. "... boring.... training is important.... technology is a waste of time," she over heard Keith saying. Her ears perking up to that, as she shot up. "Katie?" Shiro asked. She looked at Keith. "What did you just say about technology, and being a waste of time," she said glaring at him. "I said technology is a waste of time," he said he's glancing over at the team, as they started face palming, and making gestures to tell him to shut up. Everything was silent. Then. Katie just punched Keith. Everyone was shocked. Her and Keith were like brother and sister. She has the closest relationship to him, besides Shiro, that wasn't because of same blood, or dating. But she had just punched him in the face. He had a bloody nose for a while. Later on she had kept saying sorry, and sobbing saying she was terrible. But honestly he was proud of her. She could really pack a punch. Ever since that day, they knew not to talk bad about technology. Especially in front of Pidge.

~End of flashback~

Nobody's P.O.V

A chill ran down Shiro's spine as he remembered that day. Matt hasn't held Pidge's hand in a while. Lance hasn't done anything too stupid around her. Hunk continues to handle her weird cravings. Allura lends her the clothes she needs as she gets closer to the last month of pregnancy. 'Oh gosh. She only has 4 more months till she's close to popping' Shiro thought as he walked down the hallways. 'I really want to know the gender. But nobody knows. Not even Katie. And it's killing me. She won't let anyone know. Quiznaking curiosity. It's killing me. But patience yields focus I guess,' Shiro thought. 

Okay sorry guys there's gonna be a huge time skip here. Like three months. She 8 1/2 months pregnant now. Only doing this cause I don't know what else to put.

Pidge's P.O.V

I'm in the dining room right now. By myself. Eating ice cream and food goo that hunk had made for me. He left a few minutes ago. Usually, this would be a strange mixture. I asked for it in front of Lance and he nearly threw up. But it's so good. Like a homemade meal. But not as good. Matt left the castle for a mission on my sixth month of pregnancy. He should be back in a few quintants. Then I have a cramp. A big one, causing me to moan out in pain.

Then I felt something wet on my legs. Did I just pee myself?? I looked down and saw the stuff. Then another cramp just worse. Then it hit me.

My water just broke.

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