14 / Everything

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"We are going to start training you."

"I beg your pardon?" Ten furrowed his brows. "Have you spoken to Taemin about this?"

Instead of Taemin going with Baekhyun and Lucas, he asked Ten to go for him, since he had a meeting to attend. Fortunately, Ten had done his training the day before and had a free day.

"Isn't Byun your leader?" A woman with short black hair asked. Ten averted his eyes to hers and raised a brow.

"Who are you?" 

"Ahn Hyejin." She replied. "I prefer the name Hwasa."

Ten and Baekhyun looked at each other with a large sign of concern. Taemin did tell them not to trust anyone and they'd be betraying him if they trained with Naomi.

"Is someone forcing you not to train with another superhuman?" Yoongi asked telepathically, giving them a mini heart attack.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Baekhyun huffed. The grey haired man cocked a brow.

"Really?" Baekhyun slammed his hands on the table and let out a loud groan. People around them sent concerned and judging glances, bringing Baekhyun back to his senses. He took a deep breath and leaned into his seat.

"Can you stop?" Naomi shared a short glance with Hwasa and nodded.

"We could, but training with us could help you close your mind to other supers." Their reactions confirmed Naomi's thoughts. They just needed the right encouragement.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lucas asked.

"I spoke to Ten and Baekhyun telepathically since their minds were open to invasion and communication." Yoongi explained, resulting in a small outburst from them.

"You invaded our personal space?!"

"The only way to close your mind is to train." Yoongi continued, ignoring the outbursts. "Since you are refusing to join us in training, we won't be able to help you. And I doubt your leader will."

"I'm the leader." Baekhyun hissed.

"I see what you're trying to say but no one refused." Lucas said, crossing his arms.

"They may not have said it but everything ranging from their body language to the tone in their voices explained it all." Yoongi said, rubbing his fingers together with a napkin in between. There was a small crackle before the napkin was set alight.

"Anyone could tell they felt uncomfortable." Hwasa added, playing with the straw jabbed in her iced coffee.

She wrapped her hand around the glass and ice spread from her fingertips to the rest of the glass. She repeated the action to her straw then stabbed her drink until there were chunks. She picked up a chunk and dropped it on the burning napkin. The ice did not melt. In fact, it spread around the napkin, extinguishing the flame and freezing the fabric.

"Why are you using your powers so freely?" Ten inquired, looking behind and around him. "You do know people could be watching, right?"

"Doesn't matter." Yoongi said. "They wouldn't care." He cocked his head to the bar, where the bartender was mixing a few liquids together.

Without using his hands.

The contents were suspended in the air, changing colour as they mixed with other ingredients, giving a show to the customer who ordered it, along with those watching. The drink slowly dropped into a crystal glass and was slid to the customer, who clapped in awe.

"Starbucks has superhumans?!" Baekhyun shrieked. "How did I not notice this?"

"This outlet is one of the only ones that accommodate the needs of the gifted." Hwasa explained. "There's certain signs made to help us recognise the places that are safe for us."

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