Part 4

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I walk home and run straight up the stairs before anyone can see me or talk to me. I lay on my bed thinking about how wierd tonight is going to be. Then I remember Ryan's phone number, I take it and dial the number. "Hello." I say awkwardly "Hey Brooke, so what are you calling for?" he said "I was just wondering what time we were going and where." I replied "6:30 at Applebee's" Ryan said "Thanks! I will be there."I said and quickly hung up

before he could speak again. I walked into the bathroom and got ready. I braided my hair and put on my dress... then I realized I needed a ride. Of course I do stupid, I thought ,but who? I tried calling Ammy but she did not answer. I called everyone who had a car and they all could not. I realized I would have to walk there, great. I got at Applebee's just on time and I saw Natalie and Ryan already at a table. I walked over and said "Hi guys." "Hey." Ryan replied.  I sat at the end so I could see everyone, but I felt like a third wheel. Natalie and Ryan where talking about how anoying hashtags are (which they really are anoying) when the waitress came. "What can I get for you guys?"she asked "I will have a hot dog." I said and Ryan and Natalie started laughing and I knew why. I felt so uncomfortable I ran to the bathroom and sat on the toilet and cried. I stayed in there so long I thought they left since there were no people in the bathroom then the door opened and what stunned me the most was that there was a boy in the girls bathroom. " Lauren are you in here?" Ryan said. I knew he was looking for me because he just said my name but I said nothing. "I know your'e here so come out!" He said. I walked out and the minute I did, he kissed me.

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