I wish ..........

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I hurriedly had my head back down.

This is Clarke industry, the Clarke industry.

I knew I should have trusted my guts and  turned the offer down.

But there was  no reason to make this obvious.

He probably wouldn't remember a random girl from six years ago who met him at a random place.

And besides my dyed black hair faded again but this time it has this dirty blonde color not to talk about how messy it looked. I tried to  brush the tangles out but only when I staightened it did it make a difference to me.

And my silver grey eyes were now just grey. They had lost colour and liveliness.

And my accent, it only came sometimes. Other times it was long gone.

And my clothes did nothing to spell elegance.

He would never even think to remember me.

I was safe. Alec and I were safe. Of course we were.

He slammed his phone on the desk showing clearly that he was frustrated.

He looked up at me. I could literally feel his burning gaze.

He got up and walked up to me standing at least five feet away.


Name. He's asking for my name, if I tell him my name then all would be lost.

Since I'm such a blabbymouthed drunk. I just had to say.

'Hi, I'm Alicia.'

"I thought I asked you a question. What is your name."He snapped annoyed.

My eyes twitches in nervousness and  fear.

What should I do?

"What the he'll is your name, if I have to ask that again then........"He began to yell at me but suprisingly stopped when I raised my head staring him in the eye fearfully.

I wasn't scared of him. No, not at all. I was scared of him finding out. I didn't want him to know. He never should.

"Vivian Parker." I said without thinking.

He bobbed his head to the side as if he knew that I was lying but soon brushed it off.

"Okay, Vivian. What are your applications here." He said turning back and heading to his desk.

I looked down not  wanting to  reveal anything.

"Well Mr xandros clarke offered for me to be a pc gourmetress" I told him.

"So my personal cook." He bluntly said.

Well yeah if you put it that way. Show spoiler.

"I can have access to cooks worldwide, and I could go to any restaurant I desire. And don't get me started on  how I  could order anything I want from anywhere, why exactly do your tHinksey your capale ofor this job?" He said stating the facts.

Hold up there, it's not by force. Did I come here to beg for job?

And you're talking to me like I came here on my knees.
What audacity?!

"I'm still waiting for your answer."

I rolled my eyes mentally.

"Well, Mr Xandros offered me this job with great euthusiasm even after knowing all this. So I'm guessing that he knew what he wanted for you when he did it." I said as smartly and as nicely as I could come.

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