The Surprise

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''Damon...I know you hate it...when I'm in pain but, I'd rather be in pain for 24 hours,just once. Than forget...US every morning.''-E

Elena looks at Damon, begging with her eyes.

Damon's POV

What do I do? This is bad. Bad. Bad.

''God,Elena. Fine. Okay. But I can't watch.''-D 

She takes his hand and kisses it.

''Thank you.''-E

They kiss once. And keep driving back to Mystic Falls.


Elena's POV

Finally. We're almost home. I miss his bed. I laugh.

''What's so funny?''-D

''The fact that the thing I miss most is your bed.''-E

''Our bed.''-D

He smiles at me. What is that?

The 'welcome to mystic falls sign' has note stuck over it.

''Damon, what's that? Pull over.''-E

I get out of the car with Damon close behind me and pick up the note.




''Um... okay this is weird...''-E

I show it to Damon and he laughs.

''I'm sure it's nothing. We'll check it out...''-D

He says noticing the concern on my face. We drive into the town. It's black. Pitch black. All the lights are out. I try to find...well, anything. I turned on my flashlight and we get out  of the car and walk into the mystic grill. 


It's absolutely beautiful. Tears form in my eyes. There are twinkle lights EVERYWHERE. And red roses all over the floor and tables. And the best part is... Damon. I don't know how but he's in a black tuxedo and holding a single red rose. He's holding a beautiful ring. An engagement ring. yes. yes. yes.

''Elena Gilbert,you are amazing. In one word. You are beautiful, kind (unlike myself) , daring, and the only reason I wake up in the morning. I never want to wake up again without you by my side. You changed me for the better. And accepted me even when I was bad. I'm sorry for everytime we've fought, because I'm sure it was mainly my fault. Will you make me the happiest man a-dead and marry me?''-D

I cry. I fall into his arms. Kissing him and crying. I pull back and stare into his eyes. I'm so happy right now. 

''Um, so?''-D

''Oh my god. I'm sorry. YES. YES. YES.''-E 

I say between kisses. He laughs.

He picks me up and vamp speeds to the boarding house. Everyone, and I mean everyone is there. 

I walk in and flash my stunning engagement ring, smiling like I've never been happy before. Stefan tries to hug me but Care and Bon beat him to it. I can't stop smiling. Damon's arm hasn't moved from around my waist. And every few minutes he kisses my head. 

When we finally have a moment alone, after talking to everyone. We lay on our bed, cuddling.Our legs are intertwined beneath the sheets. And our arms are around each other's waists. My head on his chest. 

''Are you happy?''-D

He asks me, suddenly super serious.

''Damon I have never been happier than I am when I'm with you. Being with is what makes every moment perfect. And your speech was beautiful. I love you, Damon Salvatore.''-E

''I can't wait to change your last name.''-D

He says with a smirk. I pull my self with using his shirt to climb and kiss him like it's the first time. We fall asleep in each other's arms. Happy...for now.

'' So that's why you guys

Delena: Summer LoveWhere stories live. Discover now