Chapter 3

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Male Narrator: The hallways of Ever After High are empty, and all the students are at their homes for a well deserved summer break.
Female Narrator: Lest's see what our Prince Charming is up to.

Daring's P.O.V
I wake up from a wonderful dream that makes me want to stay in bed all day long. When I look at the clock, it says 09:00, meaning I have quite some time to get ready for my meet with Rosabella. I get up, shampoo my hair like 3 times, scrub my body like twice, and make sure I'm smelling and looking perfect. By the time I'm finished, it's 10:30, enough time to eat breakfast.
I go downstairs to a full buffet, which I'm very happy about. I have some waffles, syrup, bacon and orange juice. I sit down at the table, and my plate is looking very small compared to the others.
"Daring, are you okay? You don't have as much food as normal." My mother asked.
"Yes mother. I'm fine. I'm just not that hungry today."
I felt so ready to go to the tea shop.

Rosabella's P.O.V
I wake up and check the time, 06:30. Why can't I fall asleep? I stretch, then go back to sleep. By the time I wake up again, it's 12:15. Shoot! I'm going to be so late for my meeting with Daring! I shower in record time, dress up nicely, take a magic bar from the pantry for breakfast and run as fast as I can to the tea shop.

Daring's P.O.V
I'm standing in the line to get to the tea shop at 12:45. It's quite a long line, so I m thinking that Rosabella will be able to come before one.
I'm just about to enter, then someone comes behind me and says, "Hey, what do you want to talk about?"
"Rosabella! I thought you wouldn't come."
"Oh please. I just ran all the way from my castle to here. What you have to say better be important." She laughed and I laughed with her.
We enter the tea shop, and all eyes are on us. I'm quite confused on why people are looking at me and Rosabella weirdly until I realize who's behind us.
"Hey Daring! Why are you here. I thought you said you would stay at the castle and relax?" Apple said, given Rosabella the stink eye.
"That was the original plan, but then I realized that I could make friends with some people, so her I am , trying to be friends with Rosabella."
"Oh, that's great," Apple said while giving Rosabella a harder unnoticeable stink eye.
"Bye Apple."
"Where do you think I'm going. I came to the tea shop for a reason, I want something."
As I walk away from Apple with Rosabella, I couldn't help but notice that after that talk, she looked sad. I find a table and ask if she's okay.
"You look sad, Rosabella, what's up?"
"Umm, nothing. I just remembered that I woke up at 06:30, then overslept 'till 12:00."
"Your lucky you can sleep in. My parents say that I must be downstairs by 10:00 and if I'm not down there by then, they make me go to bed at 19:00 instead of 21:00."
That cheered her up. We order some tea and start talking about random things like favorite yogurt flavor, worst memories until I gain the confidence to talk about the topic I wanted to talk about in the first place.

Rosabella's P.O.V
Daring and I are having a great time, until he stops talking and looks me straight in the eye. When his crystal blue eyes stare into mine, I realize what I've been wanting to tell him.
"Do you want to go for a walk?" He asked, not even looking away from my eyes.
"Sure." He paid the bill and we left the shop.
"So, what do you want to talk about?" I asked, curious for an answer.
"Let's sit down on this bench." He was beginning to worry me because he looked extremely nervous.
"Hey, remember the Epic Winter we had?" Daring asked
"And remember how we fell asleep at Sleeping Beauty's castle?"
"Yes. Why do you ask?"
"Everyone had a dream. Ashlyn was running towards Hunter, then she floated towards him and Hunter caught her.
Faybelle dreamt that Briar came to the spindle, but instead of her letting Briar touch the spindle, she stopped her and turned it into feathers.
Goldilocks woke up and fell onto a chair at a dining table with a lot of bears and ate some food."
"What are you trying to say?"
"Do you want to know what I dreamt about?"
"I dreamt that I was I the woods, while I was still a beast, and a wolf with glowing red eyes came towards me. I was ready to fight, but then...but then a beautiful girl came and stuck her arms out. She walked towards the wolf, and I thought that she was going to be scratched, the wolf's eyes changed from red to blue. I smiled and touched the girl's shoulder with my paws, but they were no longer paws, they were hands. I was a human again. She looked at me and I kissed her. She kissed me back and I felt so happy. But then she started to fade away, and then we woke up."
"Why are you telling me this Daring?"

Daring's P.O.V
"BECAUSE THE GIRL WAS YOU, ROSABELLA!" I shout, not caring who hears me.
"The girl was you. I like you Rosabella, I really do. I had to get it off my chest." I'm ready for her to tell me that she can't date me, or that my destiny is with Apple, but instead, she just sat there crying.
"Ro-Rosabella, I'm so s-s-sorry." I start to stand, but she sat me down.
"Don't leave."
I sit here wondering what to do. "Rosa-
I don't finish my sentence because I'm in shock that she's hugging me.
"I have feelings for you too, Daring. I have dreams about you, and I can't forget about you." I didn't know how to reply.
"Well then, we better get back to our castles huh. But can I tell you something?"
"Come with me." As I lead her down to the enchanted forest, I turn her towards me and kiss her. She returns the kiss and when we break apart, I can see that she's happy.

Rosabella's P.O.V
After we exited the enchanted forest, I kissed Daring goodbye as my carriage pulled up.
"Goodbye, Daring,"
"Bye, Rosabella."

Madeline: I just know something bad is going to happen
Madeline: Thank Hatter
Female Narrator: Brooke!
Brooke Page: Sorry
Madeline: That's fine. TEA TIME!!


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