Chapter 3 - Little Me

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*Skye's P.O.V.*

When it was finally time for lunch, I walked to the cafeteria and got lunch. After getting my food I turned, looking for a place to sit.

I can't sit with the cool kids, Alicia sits there. I can't sit with the jocks, I'm not athletic enough. I can't sit with the nerds, I'm not smart enough.

I scanned the cafeteria, looking for any possibilities, only seeing Niall's table. I could sit there, but I'm afraid he doesn't like me. I still think he was being nice because he felt bad about Saturday.

I finally decided to sit at the table in the corner in the back of the cafeteria alone, where I will be sitting for the rest of the school year.


I was sitting in study hall, my last class, watching the clock. Five more minutes, I thought.

I sat in silence for the longest five minutes of my life while everyone around me gossiped, read and doodled on paper.

I looked up at the clock again. Four minutes until school is out and I go to work at my uncle's pub.

I grabbed my bag and put it on my desk in front of me. I put all of my things inside before putting it back down beside my chair.

I looked up at the clock again, two minutes. I sighed, leaning back in my seat.

I sat up again, looking around until the bell finally rang.

I got up and walked out of the school and started walking to the pub. It's a long walk, but the school busses don't go near Main Street.

I walked as fast as I could, not wanting to be late.

"Five minutes late" Uncle Jaxx said when I walked into the pub.

"I know I'm sorry, it's a long walk from school and the school busses don't come near the pub and I don't have a ride" I explained.

"It's okay, I understand" he replied, hugging me. "Now go change into your uniform" he playfully demanded.

I quickly changed into my uniform before getting to work.

"How was your first day of school?" Xander asked.

"Uneventful. I don't have friends, but Niall did apologize for Saturday" I told him before more customers entered.

I spent the rest of my night taking orders until 8:30 p.m., when my shift ended.

I started to walk home in the dark when a car stopped beside me.

Even though I should probably run, I stood still while the driver rolled down the window on the passenger's door.

"Why are you walking around in the dark? It's not safe, especially for a tiny girl like you" Niall said.

"I just finished my shift and I don't have a car or a ride" I told him.

"Nobody drives you home?"

"No, everybody else works later than I do because they are old enough to sell alcohol"

"Oh, well get in"

"No, it's fine, I always walk"

"Get in" he said a little more sternly. I got in the car, not wanting to argue with him. I sat in the passenger seat of his car stiffly since I'm a little scared of Niall.

*Niall's P.O.V.*

"Where do you live?" I asked, looking over at her.

"East Side Apartment Complex" she replied.

"Isn't that on the bad side of town?"

"Yeah" she replied, still sitting stiffly.

Why is she so stiff? She lives in a shady neighborhood. She probably experiences scarier things on a daily basis.

Even though I was curious, I decided to not call her out on it.

"I noticed you and Alicia aren't friends anymore. What happened?" I hated talking about Alicia, but I was trying to make conversation.

"I could ask you the same thing" she retorted.

"Sore subject?" I asked.


"I understand. How long have you worked at the pub?"

"Three or four years. My uncle owns it"


"What are you doing out at 8:45 on a Monday?"

"Picking up some groceries for my dad" I answered, pointing to the grocery bags in the backseat.

"Oh, right" she said with a nervous chuckle. "I feel kind of stupid now"

I pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex.

"Thanks for the ride" she said.

"No problem" I said as she got out of the car.

I waited for her to get inside before driving to my house, making sure she didn't get mugged.


Sorry, I know it was kinda boring. It's slowly getting to the action.

If you have an idea for the story, please message me. If it works with what I have planned, I will give you a shoutout on the chapter with your idea.

💋 -TVo

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