I'll quit

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The whole way home Kuro was talking about Volleyball. How their last game was and how the quality of the new volleyballs annoys him. ".. and they are way to light ! Seriously, who can work with those balls. Maybe for the Libero it's an advantage ... but for a Setter those balls are stupid as hell right. Also if yo- " "I'm going to quit" Kuro was stopped amidst his speach about balls (thehe). "Uh ... what ?" he asked Kenma. "Volleyball. I'll stop playing." he said without distorting the face. "Ah. We're there. Thanks for walking me home. See ya tomorrow at school" the pudding-haired boy said while searching for his keys. "W-WAIT ! What the hell do ya mean 'i'll quit'?! You can't just stop playing volleyball !" Kuro shouted while taking a few steps towards Kenma who stood with his head bowed in front of the door. "I'm ... not really good at Volleyball. I don't enjoy playing and I don't want to get benched when the new players are there. So, that's why I'm going to quit". "..... are you ... stupid ?! If you quit then we're not a team anymore ! You are the heart and the soul of our Team, without you we'll be uncompleted ! Quit playing ... tch, my ass. Say that again and ..." "You can let go of me" Kenma said while looking at his hands in Kuros. "That ... kinda hurts" he added and turned his face away. Kuro gave him a surprised look, then he smiled "Oh ... it hurts hm ? Well, sadly I really do like this position. Say that you'll continue playing and I'll let you go". Kenma blushed. He tried to get outta Kuros grip but his friend was way too strong. "Just ... let go kay. It's my decision, respect that. We've got other setters you can play with" he said quietly still looking at his feets. Kuro frowned "I don't want someone else" he said seriously. He then draw Kenmas face closer to his and gave his little setter a gentle kiss.

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