Chapter 4: New Kid???

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As we headed into the classroom we noticed a crowd of people surrounding the door.

What's going on?

A bubbly 10th grader spoke up and said that there's going to be a new kid soon.

Really is it a boy or a girl?!?!

A boy!!!!

Is he cute?

"A total hotty!!!," she explained as she pointed to him in the far back corner staring out a window.

(Venice) I have to admit he is cute.

(Celia) What's the big deal he looks like any other boy around here???!!!!!

(Kimmy and Venice) "TSK, TSK, TSK" So cute, so young, yet, so clueless.


Soon we hear the bell ring and everyone rushing to their classrooms. So we decided to take our seats and the teacher soon walked in and begun his lesson for the day.

~~~~~~~~Time skip by Flying Mint Bunny~~~~~~~~~~~

After thirty minutes of hearing my teacher blabber on about something I already knew about. I began slowly drifting into some daydream I was having about ice cream. Just to be snapped out of it by the ringing of the bell, signaling lunch period.

(Kimmy) THANK GOD FINALLY!!!!!! I felt my youth being ripped from my body, man that was so boring. What about you? You seemed to be having time of your life!

(Venice) Huh, No I was day dreaming.

(Celia) What about??

I don't know I think it was about ice cream or something I guess I'm just hungry.

(Kimmy) OK, let's hurry and get to lunch then.

Just as we were about to leave, I felt a burning sensation flowing through me, as if I was being watched. I quickly turned around to see the new staring at me.

UM...Do you need something?

You're not at all what I was expecting.


Oh, how rude of me. Hi, my name is Lucas it's nice to finally meet you.

Do you know me from somewhere?

No....But I know your dad. He's told me a lot about you.


So, can I hang with you till I get used to this school? *BLUSHES*


(Kimmy and Celes) Sure it's fine with us. *SMILES*

We all began walking to the lunch room. Lucas looked pretty happy being with all of us as if he had never had the experience of having friends before. He looked simply adorable when he laughed and smiled. Almost like the brother I never got a chance to have. He started hanging with us a lot. No one really minded and Celes really began to open up to him. On days when I and Kimmy were busy after school he offered to walk Celia home for us. I mean I've met a lot of boys but he's as sweet as they come. He could totally score some chicks if he wanted to. He's a total shota boy he'd be perfect for Celes with his baby blue eyes short black hair and adorable little dimples.

Yeah, he's a definite keeper. After a while, he just became part of our little circle.

But we soon found out that sometimes, his happy go lucky expression wasn't always as genuine, as it seemed.

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