Chapter 1: Home

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Okay. I'm gonna say this. This is the third time I've written this chapter. I was about to publish it the first time, kicked me out, didn't save. Second time: I pressed publish. Then it didn't publish, realised I was offline, then got kicked out. So, sorry if the third time isn't good.

Pidge's P.O.V

Home. We're going home. Currently on our way there. We've been heading home for a while. Since we were on the other side of the universe, we were told by Allura and Coran that it would take one earth year to get there. That was about eleven earth months ago. I know this because I made a calendar. Not the names of the months, just the days, and dates. I made one for everyone. Right now everyone is currently sleeping, I think. I lost track of time a few hours ago. I used to sleep, until that one night.

~flashback to first nightmare~

Darkness, that's all I see. I'm in a cold, dark, creepy room. It's also very silent. "Hello" I call out. "Anybody there," I'm met with silence. I close my eyes for a second, but when I open them, I'm in a dark forest. Usually I love forests, but this was just creepy. I started walking through the woods, till I heard cackling and maniacally laughter behind me. I look back and see nothing, so what I do, is I quicken up my pace.
"You're funny, green paladin. First you think you and your team killed me, then you think you can escape me, the last green paladin was very similar. I asked him to join me, he refused so he died. But I'm gonna take you. You may be the team's safe place, their stronghold, the one they love the most. But once you're gone, they'll fall apart. You'll be your team's downfall,"

~back to present time~

I woke up screaming that night, nobody heard me though. So the next time i slept, I put on a mask to cover my mouth, to cover my screams. I gave up on sleeping for a while after the second nightmare. It was like the first. When I thought it was safe again, I slept, and that night I didn't have any dream or nightmare. Nothing. It was like that for a few months. Then I went to sleep once again, that night I had a worse nightmare. They didn't like that I found a way away from them. So what they did was hurt me in the dream. But I actually hurt. Haggar electrocuted me, leaving a lightning blot looking scar on my back, from my neck to the middle of my back. Zarcon, cut my cheek, from the corner of my lip, to above my eye, he cut over my eye. But when I woke up, I had the scars. I stayed in my room a little longer that time, just to figure out a plan to play off my scar. When I finally had and idea it was still bleeding. So what I did was grabbed a screwdriver, it was my favorite one. It fit perfectly in my hand, but was also very sharp. Next I made a small mess on my desk and then did it. I threw my chair down making a loud crash. Put some of my blood on the screwdriver, got on the floor, held the screw driver, and clutched my eye. But also making a yell of pain. Within a matter of seconds, the whole team was in my room. By that time I had a puddle of blood next to my face. They quickly got me into a pod. But none of the scars healed. They still don't know about my nightmares or scar on my back. they'll be angry when they find out. I haven't touched my calendar since then, I also haven't slept, it's been a few days since I've slept. I think. I don't really know. They don't really ask about my scar. Which I'm happy.
I've been sitting on my bed thinking for who knows how long, till I hear a knock on the door. "Come in," I call out. The door opens revealing Shiro.
"Hey Pidge, just came to ask a question and say something," he says. "Sure," "alright, I was wondering if I could call you Katie, cause I'm kinda used to that name," he says. "Sure," "then, Katie, you missed breakfast, and it's time for training," "I still don't see why we still have to do training. We aren't doing anything in the war now," I say while getting up. "You never know if we'll get attacked, we must be prepared," he says as we walk down the hallway.

When we're closer to the training deck, I start to see stars. I stop and look around. Everywhere I look, there's stars. Then the corners of my vision start turning black.
"Katie, you good," I hear Shiro ask, I want to look at him and nod, but as soon as I make eye contact my whole vision goes black, and I feel like I'm falling.

Lance's P.O.V

Hunk Keith, Allura and I are all waiting for Shiro to return with Pidge. We hear footsteps approach.
"Finally," I say. Then they stop. Silence. "Katie, you good," I hear Shiro ask.
Who's Katie again? Oh yeah, that was Pidge's name before she snuck into garrison.
All we hear is silence till. *thump* "Katie," Shiro yells, we all rush out to see Shiro picking Pidge up. "What happened," Allura says. "I don't know, we were just walking, till she stopped and looked around, then she passed out," "we should see what's happening, let's get her in a cryogenic pod," Allura says before we all run to the med hall.

Shiro's P.O.V

Katie is passed out in my arms, as we're running to the med hall. She's still breathing. Thank Voltron. But why did she just pass out.

"I need to put her into a different clothing so she can get healed and scanned properly," Allura says once we get into the med bay. "Alright, we'll be outside, call us in when she's in the pod," I say walking out with the others behind me.
"Will she be ok," Hunk asks. "She'll be fine," I say. Hopefully. "What even happened," Keith says. "I don't know, we'll figure it out soon though," I respond.
"Ok you guys can come in," Allura shouts. As we come in we see her reading what the scan came up with. "Well, for one, she has a scar on her back, a very big one too, caused by electricity I believe. She also passed out from exhaustion," she says. Before I even get to speak, she continues talking, "I don't know why, but it'll tell me in a tick," she says. Then something pops up on the screen, "well, it says she hasn't slept in a while, how long, I don't know," she says. "Hunk, you use your calendar she made you right, and you cross off the day," I ask. "Mhm," "good, can you go get it, also grab Katie's," I say. He nods and walks off.

~time skip~

"Got them," Hunk says handing them to me. I look at the calendars. Different days. I counted the pages up to the month we are on, on Hunk's, and did the same on Katie's, they were different. I counted eleven pages on Hunk's, meaning we are on our eleventh month, I counted Katie's only eight pages. She hasn't crossed a day off in three months, it's either she kept forgetting, or that has something to do with her exhaustion. I'll ask her when she gets out.
Then a familiar hissing sound fills the room. And Katie falls out. As soon as I set her down, I ask her about the days and why she was so behind. "What do you mean that day was three months ago, that was only a few days ago, right, well I haven't slept since that day," she says. "Why," I ask. "Does it have something to do with b that scar on your back," Keith asks. Her eyes widen. "H-how did you know about that one," she said. "Showed up on the scan," he says casually. "I lost track of time, I've been staying up doing projects," she says looking down at her feet. I can't tell if that's a lie or not. She works on projects all the time, but then again, it doesn't seem like something she would do.

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