12:35 AM

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Tw~ mentions of abuse and sexual assault.

So. This is just a random thought spiral that really hit me out of nowhere and I feel like this is a safe place to talk about it. I would first like to point out that if you're reading this far, you should have seen the trigger warning. It's there for a reason. If you're easily triggered I would recommend you didn't read this. Thank you.

Is it just me, or has anyone else thought about the fact that there is so many accounts of sexual assault where a person make claims about the victim? That "they asked for it", or that "they wanted it"? Think about that. I mean really think about it. Think about what the word consent means to you. Take a moment and think about that word.

Now I'm going to tell you what consent is. First of all, it is a basic human right. Second of all, consent is permission or approval of something being done.

Consent~ permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.

That means that if they are unconscious, they did not consent. If they tell you no or to stop, they did not consent. If you took it upon yourself to interpret their body language into something it isnt, they did not give you consent. Attack me for this. I couldn't care less. Another thing that really annoys me is when people assume that only girls get raped.

Rape~ unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception.

Boys can be raped too. Any gender can be raped. And any gender can be a rapist.

Anybody can commit the crime, it is not limited to certain genders and certain ages. Anybody can be raped. Any gender. And age. It is not limited to certain genders and ages. I can't stress this enough.

Let me tell you something else. It's a horrible thing. A horrible feeling. Somebody who has been sexually assaulted will feel different about certain things then somebody who has not been. It isn't always this way, but most times this is the case. It's terrifying. And it's okay to not be ready to tell your story yet. You will tell it when you're ready, to somebody you are ready to tell. It's your story to tell and absolutely nobody else's.

Moving on.

Physical abuse~ any intentional act causing injury or trauma to another person or animal by way of bodily contact.

Physical abuse, in my opinion, is not something you should say has happened to you if it hasn't. It's not something to joke about.

Anybody can be physically abused or assaulted. And anybody can do it. There is not limit on age or gender.

Physical abuse is often something that children and teenagers deal with, but it's not limited to just them. Not everyone grows up in a stable, safe household. Not everybody comes from a good backround. Drug abuse and alchohol abuse can play a role in physical abuse itself.

I can tell you that physical abuse is a scarring thing. It's not funny. It's not a joke. And it's scary. It's scary to go home and not know what to expect. It's scary to wonder when they're going to get high and go off the deep end. Get drunk and go off the deep end. Get into one of their "moods". And what's even scarier is how often people deal with this or have dealt with it and never find the courage to talk about it.

Again. It's your story. Tell it when you feel safe, to somebody you feel safe to tell it to.

Moving on again.

Mental abuse~ Psychological abuse, often called emotional abuse, is a form of abuse, characterized by a person subjecting or exposing another person to behavior that may result in psychological trauma, including anxiety, chronic depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder.

Mental abuse can be just as scarring as physical abuse. It can be done by anyone. And to anyone.

There are many, many cases where children and teens are being mentally abused at home, school, or both. Being torn down by hurtful phrases or words isn't healthy. And I'll tell you right now that it fucking sucks.

If you take anything from this section on mental abuse, take this- it may feel like their words are going to be the end of you, but even though it's traumatic and scary, and you don't know when they're going to lash out, it won't be this way forever. Stay strong.

If you read this far down, thank you. If you're dealing with these things, I'll tell you this. Don't tell your story before you're ready. It's your story to tell, and it's up to you to decide who you want to tell it to. Don't let anyone pressure you, and don't let anybody change how you feel about yourself. And know that you may never move on from it. And that's okay. It's okay to not be ready to move on. It's okay if you haven't healed. Take your time. It might take your whole lifetime but you'll heal over time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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