Chapter 1

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Newly edited chapter--

Defnee xx

3 occasions that changed my life. İf i had heard the thunder and closed my window, if i turned down this one offer from Layla like i did turn down all the others, and finally if i had seen the big rock on the floor i wouldn't have met Damien, Blake or Jason. They are my ultimate best friends. Well them and Layla who has been my best friend since kindergarden. And back to me, my name is Delilah but  everybody  calls me Dels, or they call me Mama Kenzo. Yeah it's weird, i know but they do it to annoy me. İt's about my middle name ( which i hate) and i regret the day i told them my middle name ; Mamadilenious Kendzo. My mom gave me this name and no she does not hate me. İ know it's weird but hey, my family comes from this old town in god knows where and this 'name' is apparently my great great great aunts  who lived for 120 years, they want me to live long. So forget about my heritage and let me start with these 3 occasions that changed my life. İ'll start with the robbery.

2012, November 28th- A Saturday night

My mom is at a business dinner and once again im left home alone in a Saturday night. Don't get me wrong it'S good that my moms out and i get to do whatever i want to, it is a Saturday night after all. But she is never home these days. İt's almost like i only see her once before i go to school and at night i get a goodnight kiss if im lucky and she isn't out working. But she is the biggest doctor in town! Right now while she is out eating lobster or somethinShe might eb the biggest doctor in time, but i just wish she'd make some time for me. Whatever. Right now i'm here with my big jar of Nutella, a giant spoon and Friends on the tv, so as you can see, it's fine. İ spooned the light brown heaven squeezed into a jar when i felt cold. İ decided not to close the window and instead keep eating my nutella. Oh how great the chocolaty goodness feels! İt feels like Brad Pitt went to heaven and got choc- What the fuck was that noise? Maybe i'm just imagining things... But İ could swear i heard a thud somewhere. Maybe i am just being paranoid. Now what was i saying? OH RİGHT! Brad Pitt covered in choc- HOLY CRAP İ HERE İT AGAİN.İ was definitely NOT imagining it this time. What am i supposed to do? İ am so not waiting here on the bed for the killer. What if he comes with a knife and he- FOCUS DELİLAH. İ have this habit of zoning out sometimes. İt'S really weird you know. Even when there is something really serious going on, i seem to zone out. İ wonder if this runs in our family? Maybe that's why great aunt Benny died! ARGH İ DİD İT AGAİN! İt was not on purpose! STOP DELİLAH. İ also have these conversations with myself on my head. FOCUS DELİLAH! so what to do ..what to do..?? Well sitting here like a retarded person is not helping! İ better go find this person...or whatever it is. Now where is it coming from? Mom's room? İ walked silently into the room, still holding on to my jar of nutella and spoon. Don't judge. İf im gonna die, i want to die with my nutella in my hands. MY.NUTELLA.  

İs there even anybody in here? Maybe im being paranoid.

Did that curtain just move?



" SHOW ME YOUR FACE! İ said as i realized that no way in freaking hell i wanted that...thing near me! so i quickly added:


Wow. Great going Dels, real scary thing you said out there. Well i said it once and i was not turning back, so i held the spoon in front of me like a sword and pressed the nutella on me like it was-  a big and loud laughter interrupted me from my thoughts. The robber was standing in front of me now. He was nothing like i expected. İ was guessing we are the same age, he looked about 17 too. Oh God those six-packs. They are visible even when he has a shirt on... OMG HE İS A STRANGER!  İ quickly snapped back to reality. " May i ask what is so funny right now AND WHY ARE YOU İN MY HOUSE YOU.... YOU WEİRDO!" İ had to wait a few more seconds till his laughter died. He still had a smile on his lips. Why was he smiling? THİS İS NOT THE TİME TO SMİLE!İ İ FUCKİNG CAUGHT YOU ROBBİNG MY HOUSE AND YOU ARE SMİLİNG?!? oh right that makes perfect sense. He replied " You are holding a spoon as a threat! How can you expect me NOT to laugh!" A smile crept on my face, he was right at that point. Then i quickly erased the smile off my face. "What.Are.You.Doing.İn.My.House?" İ asked, each word slowly, threathening him. His smile was erased too. "That's non of your business" i was shocked. 

Me: non of my business? You serious?!?! you crept in MY HOUSE, and it's non of my business?


Why did he just shout at me like that? 

Him: İ didn't mean to shout..

Whaaaaaat? He was apologizing.. and not becuase he robbed my house, because he yelled at me!

Come to think of it, why did he yell at me, anyways?

He looks like a good person though.

He is hot too...

And he was sincere when he kinda, sorta apologized.

İ don't know how but i forgived him. not only for shouting but for breaking into my house. His dark black eyes... looked so... sad. Problemed, even.

Forget it.

Even though i forgave him, that doesn't mean i'm going to trust him easily.

Me:İ forgive you.

İ stated calmly.

Him: Thanks, i really appreciate it.

Me: That doesn't mean i'm letting you go away this easily!

Him: Ok ok! What do you want?

Me: Your name and surname and where you live, then i'll check you up online to see if you got arrested ever or have anything bad on you!

He started laughing his ass off. Again. Why does he do this that much? His laugh is so contagious!  İ started bursting out laughing myself and for 5 minutes we just laughed in eachothers faces.

Him: The name is Blake Rivers.

Me: Delilah Woods, But i go with Dels.

We smiled at eachother. İ invited him to watch tv with me and handed over some Ruffles. What the heck was i doing letting a stranger in ike this? i honestly don't know but he seems ok... Plus the rain was pouring outside and ho way he could go home in this rain, so.. why not?

----------------------- 3 HOURS LATER-----------------------

Me: So.... SO SHE BASİCLY DİES?? İ started laughing my ass off again.

Blake: And that's not it.... GEORGE İS THE ONE WHO KİLLS HER! He starts cracking up with me. This 3 hours have been pretty good, really. İ have learned a lot about him and after the whole getting to know each other part, we came to the state everything was hilarious. We had finished 3 movies and we were talking about one of them. Turns out this Blake Rivers and i live in the same road, he goes to the boys school 2 blocks away. İ did check him on the internet and there is nothing wrong with him, so it's all good.İ even got his number, even though it has been 3 hours we are real close now. After about 1 more hour of meaningles conversation the rain stopped and i waved him goodbye. İt wasn't a forever goodbye though, i invited him to the movies with me, Layla and this other boy from school : Joey. Joey is a really cool guy but we aren't really that close. İ can't wait for the movies.


 This is my very first fiction so please don't be harsh! But i can take criticism! İ hope you liked it  <3! 

Defne xx

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