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"Okay, so let me get this straight. You can hear my thoughts, I can hear yours, and we have matching tattoos?" I was pacing around, on the edge of going crazy. My mind was a tangled mess of a web of things that seemed impossible to piece together. It had to be at least three in the morning. No one was awake and the sun hasn't risen. No one came out to make sure either I or this man, that told me his name was Zayn, were alright. Or alive. It was as if the world kept on going without a trace of us. 

"This makes no sense," Zayn spoke out loud. His brain was struggling to understand what was going on, just like mine was. 

"You were the one in the SUV, right? You hit me," I tried connecting together the events.

"Yeah?" His voice was questioning and he had a right to be.

"What happened to you? Do you remember?" I asked, finally stopping my pacing and stood right in front of him. I was biting on my thumb nail and my eyebrows were furrowed together in deep concentration.

"I tried swerving, the rain from the ground made the asphalt slippery and I flipped and I wasn't wearing a seat belt. I was in a rush and I never thought to. My head hit against my window and then the steering wheel. I thought I might have broken an arm, but clearly not." He informs me. I nod slightly and we both fall silent for a moment.

"Okay..let's think. I know for sure that there was no way I was going to survive that hit. There was too much blood loss and damage to my body. You could have died, but your injuries only seemed minor. Well, maybe you hit your nose on the steering wheel and that pushed into your brain. So lets say, we are both dead. Are we zombies? Maybe you are a vampire, do those even exist? Oh, I don't know!" I sighed as I just realized how stupid I must sound.

She has got to be fucking joking.

"Oh, shut up! You come up with a better reason than that!" I practically scream at his perfect face.

"Stop listening in on my thoughts, would ya?" He rasped out. I stared at him in disbelief. Now he has to be the one fucking joking. It's not like I was trying to listen to his thoughts. 

"Believe me, princess, I wouldn't want to hear your thoughts in a million years," I barked. Zayn got up from the spot where he was sitting and stepped closer to me. I was afraid he was going to hit me, but I somehow knew he wasn't that type of man. It was just something about him. He didn't give off that bad of a negative vibe.

"You two really amuse me and all, but I have a schedule and you are kinda making me fall behind," A third voice entered our party, relieving me from the dangerous situation I was in. I couldn't see who the voice belonged to but I was determined it belong to a body and that I wasn't going crazy. I was trying to convince myself that I couldn't hear everyone's thoughts right now.

Zayn and I locked defensive expressions as we looked around for another person. From behind the bush, where I thought was an animal, came walking another man. He looked to be in his thirties. Graying hair, pale blue eyes. He was dressed in a grey suit with a lighter grey tie and black dress shoes. A little too fancy to be walking the in the streets, or risen from a bush, but ya know, whatever he fancies.

Zayn stood a little closer to me as if to protect me. His shoulder was in front of my body, only blocking the man a tiny bit from me, but for that, I was thankful.

"And you are?" Zayn's voice was deeper now, a darker rasp to it, but the man stepped closer. He didn't seem intimidated by Zayn at all and that only made my heartbeat multiply.

"My name is Kaleb and I am your Silver," he smiled at us. I frowned and hid even more behind Zayn's body.

Can you hear me?

It was Zayn's voice.

Of course I can fucking hear you, we just talked about this, princess.

Shut up with the fucking attitude.

Oh, what do you want?

Do you know what a Silver is?

No! Why the hell would I know? I barely know what I am!

Our conversation was cut short as Kaleb interrupted. "I kinda need you guys to come with me," He said impatiently, tapping a finger on the watch located on his wrist. I breathed deeply and pushed pass Zayn.

What are you doing?

Zayn was either talking to me purposely or just thinking.

"He might help us," I said out loud. Kaleb reached for my hand. His skin was soft and light. Maybe he was the person that made us like this. Maybe he was even one of us! Oh God, I don't know! "Please.." I whispered to Zayn. His face shown all signs of anger, but he took a step closer to us. I let a small smile creep on my face.

"Alright, kids. Hold on," Kaleb squeezed my hand as a burst of blue light blinded my eyes.

So I posted a picture of Zayn and Alex's matching tattoo. I wanted it to be similar to the one he already has on his wrist.

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