Chapter one - Ice Cream Chaos!

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The summer had finally struck. The 12 teenagers had officially decided to stay on an island together filled with wonders, joy and memories. They had been anticipating this moment for so long now, and it has finally came true. They rode a toyota van in order to travel from Estellar city to Orion Island. The vehicle was owned by Leo's parents. They were very fortunate enough that Leo's parents were very lenient with their son taking their van for 2 months along with his friends.

Capricorn was entrusted into driving the van since she was considered to be the best driver out of all of them.

Aries and Leo were tagging along to defeat Sagittarius and Libra at LOLOL mobile (Mystic messenger reference, hey where my MM fans at!?

Cancer and Pisces were showing each other cute outfits that they found online and were occupied by having a sweet and wholesome conversation about fashion

As for Virgo, she was busy making reservations for the whole group and organizing everything necessary when staying at an island.

Scorpio was sitting near the back, reading a very depressing and philosophical book titled: 12 reasons as to why I'm dead. Aquarius sat beside him, near the window and is reading a book as well, but it was more on the history and origins of the Black Moon Lilith and the spells it contains whilst trying to annoy Scorpio with randomized questions. Aquarius had nothing to fear even while trying to annoy the most dangerous one in class as she was also holding a very heavy book, which look like it weighed 8 tons.

"but do you have any idea why the Black Moon Lilith even exists"
"Aren't you holding a book about one right now?"
"Technically yes, but I haven't started reading yet."
"Okay now please stop pestering me and go read your book to find out."
Afterwards, Aquarius and Scorpio minded their own businesses and read the books they were carrying.

"I snuck some ice cream here, who wants some?"
The sweet and gentle girl named Virgo asked and everyone reached out to her, it was chaos.

Sagittarius, Leo and Aries were all rampaging and fighting for who gets the most ice cream.

Gemini and Aquarius tagged along and sneakily got ice cream from the box Virgo prepared.

Libra, Pisces and Cancer were exasperated by what's happening and just gave up on trying to get ice cream.

"Be quiet, want me to crash this van huh?!" Capricorn yelled aggressively.

Everyone but Scorpio, Virgo and Aquarius were bothered by the whole situation.

"Scorpio, I got you some ice cream, it's your favorite! Chocolate and Vanilla combined!" Said Aquarius to Scorpio in a sweet and cheerful tone whilst smiling.

"Oh, thank you." Said Scorpio shyly whilst blushing.

Summertime gladness! (Zodiac Summer story) Where stories live. Discover now