chapter nine

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Muhammad 's pov

"" I can't believe Ayeesha went to that house she looks beautiful I just like her I said to my self

" Yaya baba is calling you said my little sister ohk I am coming I replied I went to meet baba "Aslam'alikum I said while entereing the room "wa'alikumusalam baba replied Muhammad your sister and brother-in-law are coming today so go and pick them up from the airport he said "ohk baba I will do that bye I said bye may Allah bless you take he said and I went out of the room.

My phone started ringing I checked it was fadeel hello bro how far na he said at the other side of the phone as I picked the call "I am fine u I said ohk he replied fadeel I am coming to pick you up my sister and brother-in-law are coming today go get ready I am coming the next thirty minutes so get ready I said and hang up

I went to the bathroom and took my bath and u came out I wore gray
sweat pants and black t shirt I picked my phone ,car key and wallet I went downstairs to eat lunch and took off .

"I went to fadeel house I pick him and headed straight to the airport as soon as I arrive I saw my sister and brother-in-law waiting Sissy and broooo over here I shouted some people were looking at me like I was crazy I didn't mind I went over to them my lovely sister and brother-in-law how are you doing were is amal ( there daughter) here she is they "unclee Muhammad I miss you so much she said in her baby voice "I missed you too my sweetheart how are you and how is school I said " I am fine and school is boring she said ohk let goo home I said to them fadeel greet them and we went back home

Aslam'alikum I said while entereing the palour "wa'alikumusalam my sweetheart how are you Mama said referencing to them completed ignoring me she even hugged fadeel "so mama because you used to see me every day that why you are ignoring me right ohk I will packed my bag and leave I said faking that I am hurt "ohk then bag your bags and leave and if you are going back bring my daughter in law I am warning you abeg come she said and gave me a hug "look at you are big but you are behaving childish hmmm Yaya umar(my brother in law) said I am my mum child na I said whatever he replied


"Today me,mama and fadila,fadila'mom are going shopping for our graduation dress we went to allot of shop finally we found a free that we are going to wear for our graduation. Mama I want this one is very nice please let me have it I said to my mom"yes Ayeesha this one is very nice pick fadila mom said "thanks mama I replied fadila what about you I said " I am stock I don't know what to buy ohk this dress is but nice I will pick you up this she said "yeah and is very similar to mine sis forever I said "yeah mama I found mine she said to her mom and mine "ohk girl let go and pay if you have pic k yours mama said ohk let go I replied

We went over to the counter payed for the things we brought and went out of the shop. Mama please can I have a sleepover at Ayeesha house to today so that we can go shopping for shoes tomorrow fadila asked her mom "yeah I will send the driver to bring your clothes her mom said thanks fadila said"your welcome she replied

We went back home and bake some cookies and make milkshake it was yummy I kept some for anisa and mama we went to pray after prayed we played teken 7(ps 4 game)then pray i'sha we talk about shoes and dress the whole and we went to sleep. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day for us.😴😴😴😴😌😴😴😴

Hey guys how are you doing today I am going to update tomorrow don't forget the code maybe give away I didn't know yet let see how many people vote

Don't forget to read and your promise I am so happy 2.36k reader and 209 votes let see the commenters plsss comments your opinion about the story thanks y'all byee


AYUSH 💕💕 💕

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