My life

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        "The loud music blaring out of the speaker got even louder as the people cheered in the stadium. They were all clapping and screaming, making loud noises for the other team. It was getting unbearable as i stood looking miserable with my team on the other side of the stage. I could see Mrs.Henderson in the crowd getting more and more disappointed as she was at the verge of giving up on us. I couldn't let this happen. We had worked hard for months to get to where we were, giving up seemed like our option there but i knew we had to do something. This competition had always been ours. We had danced our hearts out to get to that final stage and i knew we were not ready to stop at second position, that was rarely on our list of competitions. Although the team had given up, i had not and i knew i had to do something. I tapped Chelsea beside me who was looking even more disappointed  than the rest of the group.

" We have to do something. We can't let them win"

"What exactly do you want to do, they have beaten us face down. We are nowhere on the list anymore." Chelsea shouted over the loud speaker.

Second place is something

"We can do a little bit of hip-hop. It should be easy for us."

" You are a contemporary dancer, Ariana. How do you want to get hip-hop all of a sudden?"

" Remember Greg taught me a little bit of hip-hop, we can try hip- fusion. It would be cool, we just need to go with the beat."

" Are you sure?"

" Yeah, come on, we do not have much time left". I said as i dragged Chelsea to the front of our group where we had to face the other group directly. I was shaking and felt really stupid but i didn't make it obvious.

i mean, where did all that courage come from? 

Chelsea had used some dope dance moves to make them back off a little bit. I could see how surprised the team was, including Mrs. Henderson but i knew i had to do what was right for the team. I started with some really fast pirouette's and then we did some stunts and started dancing together. Good for us, they were playing love the way you lie by Eminem and Rihanna and i and Chelsea had choreographed to that song before for some challenge online. It seemed like our lucky day. I noticed our little choreography was not letting the other team come in, so we brought in more crazy flexibility stunts which made the crowd cheer for us. I turned around just to see my team staring at us. It was actually unbelievable, i mean, i sacrificed the energy i could use to dance contemporary for hip- fusion and i wasn't really sure of what i wanted to do with Chelsea and the team did not even bother to plan something creative with that time and come up with something. Unless they had another choreography in mind and could not find the right time. Mrs. Henderson had to shout their formation through the crowd before they knew they had to help us right there. It was so annoying." I said slightly irritated as Anna was laughing at my expression.

" That part where you said i was looking more disappointed than the rest of the group, you didn't see Bryan's face." Chelsea blurted out interrupting my story the second time. I frowned at her for that obvious reason which made her giggle as she continued eating the apple with her. She was still stuck on her phone.

" And what happened next?" Anna asked me.

" We kept on dancing for a while you know. It was actually amazing. We brought in some previous choreographs. We were not prepared for a dance battle that day." I  replied.

" The competition was an unexpected one for you. We all know that Ariana. This is the third time i would listen to that story in this house." Mum said with a tray in her hand. I stood up immediately to collect the tray as Anna and Chelsea went to set up the dining table.

" I just wanted to hear the story from the winners themselves." Anna said.

" Because it is something they are proud of. You know they won that competition that day thanks to their bravery." Dad said while walking into the house with Greg. They just got back from the garden after working for so long. Mum really loved flowers so dad had planned with Greg to plant more than enough flowers with the little time he had to spend with us. I went to hug dad as i watched Greg kiss Anna on the forehead. They were a beautiful couple and i was so happy for them.

"Okay, Everyone to the dining table. It is almost seven." Mum's voice echoed in the room as we all gathered to the dining table except one person.

obviously one person

" Chelsea, get over here already." I shouted at her from the dining table.

" Please wait, this episode is almost over. I just want to know her response to his proposal. Would she say yes?" Chelsea replied looking all dreamy like an hopeless romantic.

" Obviously." I and Greg replied at the same time as i rolled my eyes. Chelsea stood up slowly from her seat and walked to the dining, her eyes still focused on the screen. I would have pinched her really hard right there if not for the fact that i had exhausted all my energy talking about a competition we won three days ago. We resuming school the next day was something i had not planned for. I wasn't expecting resumption so soon, maybe because of the stunt i pulled that Friday but i knew our team had to win no matter what.

" Ariana darling, would you pray for us?" Mum said snapping me out of my thoughts.

" Dear Lord, guide and protect us and keep us as a happy family like this forever. Amen."

" Amen." The whole family chorused. The noise started as they all took plates and cups.

" Why don't we make a toast." Greg suggested as he poured juice into each person's cup but poured water in Chelsea's cup.

" Why do i have water in my cup?" Chelsea frowned.

" You should take more water young lady. you've had too much junk food today." Mum replied 

" But i balanced it all with an apple. Apples are good for the body." Chelsea argued.

" Seriously? " I laughed at how stupid she could be sometimes.

" Just one apple is not enough." Mum chuckled as Chelsea mumbled. We all raised our cups together.

" To long life and a happy family." Dad said as our cups gently hit each other.

" Cheers." We all shouted and laughed together.

 I watched with a smile on my face as Chelsea cracked jokes which made the whole family laugh. Dad had almost choked on his food while laughing and Mum had to stop Chelsea. She was obviously not ready to nurse someone that night. I watched Greg whisper something to Anna which made her blush. It was funny watching  my once tall and lanky elder brother who was ready to protect me anytime and  anywhere although he was always insulted about his stature turn into a big business man and would even have an amazing girlfriend or fiancee if i would want to put it my way. I was waiting for the day they would get married and have children, then i would be an aunt who doesn't know how to babysit or even act as a nanny for a minute.

I was still working on that aspect of my life

I turned to Chelsea and couldn't help but smile. I watched her laugh and enjoy herself around my parents despite the fact that she was not family. She was and would always be my best friend, more like a sister to me. She was my childhood friend and had always been with me every step of the way. I loved her so much but i wouldn't dare tell her. The Chelsea i know won't let it slide. I was happy because my family was happy. Mum and Dad had always been good parents and had taught us every possible right thing we needed to be good kids. I felt i had the perfect family and was the luckiest person in the world. That was all i ever wanted, for us to be happy forever.


    Hello everybody. so i would just go straight to the point. This is like my first story so it might not really be up to expectation but i would try my best to improve on Ariana's life. I just want to thank everybody reading this book and you should know that your support, comments and votes means a lot to me. Thank you so much. Until the next chapter.

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