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To be human by Sia and Labrinth

Hurts to be human by Pink and Marshmallo

Ariana's pov

The sun shone in my room as my alarm made that stupid noise. I hit it with anger and sat up. Last night was the worst night of my life. I revealed something I never told anybody before. My parents adopted me. Just when I was three. Mum had told me my story once. She had to treat my mum when she was having me but she couldn't make it. I was placed in an orphanage since dad was nowhere to be found. She always came to watch me and loved watching me dance. She took me out and said she enjoyed my company so she decided to adopt me despite having Greg.

I knew she loved me, that was why I didn't complain whenever she was never around to talk to me. Her keeping me with her and providing for me was enough. I was always jealous of Chelsea's parents with how free she was with them. Her mum was always home so she could keep talking and shouting anytime she wanted. When Chelsea came into my life, I saw her as a sister and then Jake came in and I thought things were getting better. I started getting feelings for Jake and we were really close, not until I found out he was dealing drugs and he got me trapped in his bullshit.

I blew hair on my face pushing my hair away but it came back on my face. I sat In front of a mirror. My eyes were red and swollen. Apparently, I cried overnight. I felt weak and useless, looking like a total mess. I took my bath and combed my hair slowly. I felt relieved for breaking my phone yesterday. That phone felt like a burden since Jake's number got there. I could not believe Jake and Chelsea worked together to bring me down. I didn't even want to think about it.

I heard a knock on the door.

" Room service." She said from the other side.

I opened it slowly to see a blonde lady with a tray in her hand and a wide smile plastered on her face. I collected the tray from her with a forced smile.

" Urmm, you all would be leaving in thirty minutes, I was told to tell you that. And I hope you enjoyed your stay here." She said as I nodded and closed the door.

That was the worst place I had been in my entire life.

I opened the food and placed a spoon of rice in my mouth. It was irritating my guts so I dropped it. I wasn't in the mood to eat neither was I ready to talk to anyone. I sat in the room doing nothing for 29 minutes and walked out at the last minute. I knew our bus was waiting already. I could feel eyes on me as I walked out. I saw Tania, Wesley and Kevin In front of the bus I wanted to go into before. Tania saw me and smiled, waving at me as Aiden walked behind her. I didn't reply as I walked into the other bus. I sat at the back seat. Other students rushed into the bus as the driver sped off. Bryan came from nowhere, sitting beside me.

Was he here to make me feel worse?

" You know you are a case right? Let me guess, you were talking about that guy I saw that day." He said without looking at me.

" I didn't talk to you."

" Chelsea proved to not only be a pain in the neck but also a traitor." He sighed.

" Nobody asked for your opinion." I glared at him as he raised his hands in surrender.

" Sorry." He whispered.

" It was good you were sincere yesterday. You are not so perfect after all. I learnt something." He said as I looked at him.

" What did you learn?"

" To believe in your self and be independent. Maybe that was why I thought you were so perfect." He smiled and looked away.

I didn't know I was being independent. I looked out the window through out our ride back home. We got to school just with the other bus. I got down without turning to the bus. I could see Mum's car waiting at the school gate. I had sent her a message with Aiden's phone yesterday.

Ariana's diaryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن