Surprise! I'm not dead

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Look at that, I'm alive am well.
I'm terribly sorry I haven't updated in literal months but I've been drained. I've been going to a therapist and have gotten diagnosed for multiple mental illnesses so it's been hard. But I'm back now and ready to get back into mythicals and shifting!

There's still multiple things I'd like to become and receive but I'm taking it slow. I have a playlist to solely change my appearance and I'm also making one to become a wolf shifter. I'm already getting great results from my first playlist and I'll be starting with my mythical playlist soon enough. I want to get better first though and more happy/positive.

I hope everyone is doing well and I hope everyone's family is getting through the Touch corona times. I will try and update regularly again but I can't promise anything.

Also, holy freaking shit this book is at 4K reads? Never expected that! If any mythical or mythical to be would like to talk to someone I'm always here!


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