Chapter 19

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An hour had passed and you are still not here I just still need to wait for you

Jungkook a its getting darker and darker but where are you?

I cant text you because I still don't have a phone

I started to be scared

Jungkook a their is a group of people going towards me

I can't leave your surprise in here and I don't want to go home because You will going to comeback to me

Someone grab my hand it was again your hyung it was Yoongi

The group of people disappear I still need to wait for you in here

'Lisa you need to go' Your hyung tell me but I insisted that I will wait for you because you said you will comeback

Your hyung never leave my side I borrow his phone to call you but you did not answer

I was worried about you Jungkook ah

I tell your hyung to go home already to find you.

Believe me I'm lying | Liskook / Yoonlice✔️Where stories live. Discover now