Attention (Jennie Solo)

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"You gain attention for so many reasons. Whether they're positive or negative. Sometimes you gain it through your past, and most times. They're made by other who want to put you down. The ones who care not for you and how you feel, but only focus on your past and things they've heard about you."

"Attention for me, is nothing I've ever wanted. But something that I've been cursed to receive."

- The way I walk, the way I talk.
- You consider it threatening.
- The things I get, the things give.
- You consider it spoiled.
- The things I do, what's on the news.
- You say that it's all bitchy.

- I try to hide and put on a smile.
- But that's when snakes attack me.
- Why is it that my past is that bad. That it can't be left behind.
- No matter what I do, no matter what I say. I'll always get ridiculed.

- But do you know me? Cause I don't know you.
- So what's with all the attention?
- You say you hate me, and also shame me.
- When I've never done anything, but lived my life.
- Yeah, I made mistakes, but you've made them too. Though, I'm not pointing fingers at you!

- You try to blame me, but never ask my side of the story.
- The news says this but I stay silent, not wanting to join the violence or the glory.
- I am the target, what have I done to deserve it? Just from being tired or sick.
- All this fame comes with a price, feeling like there's nobody on my side, but my girls, my family and I.

- Why do I try to make you love me, if you'll never see for who a I now?
- I keep a smile, even when on the inside I just want to tear down.
- I just wanna go home, I hate here, don't you see that I'm scared?
- You, don't see that, cause to you it's all an act and that I just want attention from that.

- But do you know me? Cause I don't know you
- So what's with all the attention.
- You say you hate me, and also shame me.
- I feel like I'm in life's detention.
- But I've grown now, I'm stronger now. I'm surrounding by those who support me now!

- So I'll stand through all this attention.

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