Chapter 1: A Little Bit Of You

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Our story begins on a frozen lake in the Scandinavian mountains. Ice harvesters sawed and heaved blocks of ice as far as the eye could see, in order to take them and sell them to various villages and kingdoms during the warm summer months. The ice was born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining. The large lake had a foul storm raging but it had a frozen heart worth mining.

So they cut through the heart, cold and clear, they strike for love and strike for fear. See the beauty sharp and sheer. Watch as the ice splits apart and break through the frozen heart.

"Aye, watch your step, lads!" An older man up at the front of the group called through the ranks. The ice was slick and many younger men would slip. "Let it go!" He hollered at a man who was trying to retrieve a lost scarf from the freezing water.

The ice was beautiful, powerful, dangerous, and cold. Ice is a magic that can't be controlled, stronger than one or ten, stronger than ranks of a hundred men.

Among the men was a young boy with black hair and dark eyes, who was happily sawing ice and loading small cubes onto the sled of his reindeer calf. "Look at what I did! Do you see that?" He asked a man standing next to him.

"Don't you have anything better to do than to steal up our ice, orphan boy?" Said man hissed at him.

The boy turned, upset, and tugged at his dyed purple leather tunic. He felt a nudge at his side, and saw his animal companion nudging his side. "Thanks, buddy. You get me."

While the little boy was being comforted by his reindeer, the other ice harvesters started making their way out of the frozen lake. Little by little, the left, until only a few remained.

"H-hey! Wait up!" The boy hopped on the reindeer's back and they bolted in an attempt to catch up.

Meanwhile in the kingdom of Arendelle, there was a restless prince, destined to find some fun in the middle of the night. Tossing and turning in his bed was futile, so the prince made his way across the bedroom to his brother's bed.

"Remus?" He said while nudging his brother awake. "Remus, wake up!"

The older prince, Remus, sat up, wiping his eyes blearily. "What? Roman! It's not morning yet, the sun has barely risen!"

Roman flopped on Remus's bed, sighing dramatically. "I can't sleep! The sky's awake, so I'm awake! And I want to play!" His demeanor immediately shifted as he leapt up to play.

Remus rolled his eyes, brushing off his attempts. "Come on, Roman, go back to bed."

"Do you want to build a snowman?"

Of course, Remus took that as a challenge. The older of the princes was born with ice magic, and it was one of Roman's favorite things to do when they were bored. Play with snow. So, the two brothers hurried downstairs to the ballroom for maximum play room. Roman was giggling the whole way down, with Remus trying to shush him while also falling over laughing himself.

"Shush! We don't want to wake the whole kingdom!" Remus chuckled as he was dragged down by a playful Roman.

"C'mon! Do the magic! Do the magic!" Roman egged his older brother on.

"You know, there's a recipe to making a proper snowman." Remus said, trying to get him to calm down.

"Really?" Roman asked, sitting on the floor to listen.

"Uh-huh!" The prince grabbed his hand and knelt before him as he conjured a small snowball. "A little bit of you, a little bit of me. A part that loves to dream-"

"A part that swings from a tree!" Roman offered, happily dreaming of the perfect snowman. "A little like me, a little like you!"

"A part that's nice." The older brother formed some more snow for Roman to play in while they worked on a snowman.

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