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"Why don't you like one another anyway?" Talia piped up after sipping her drink. I huffed turning to face her, my hand flung over my forehead hating speaking about this topic.
Freya was just warning me not to have an argument with Harry tonight because he had recently broken up with his girlfriend, Ava. Him and Ava had been together for years I would stand here and say that I felt sorry for him, but I don't. That's because Harry and I, are NOT fans of one another...

"I couldn't tell you." I answered honestly.

"You've literally NEVER liked one another." Gee shook her head confused.

"I mean." I paused thinking before I spoke. "Have you ever met someone you just don't click with?" I looked Gee in the eye, she tilted her head thinking before answering. She nodded her head in agreement. "That's the same as us, Harry and I have just never seen eye to eye." I shrugged not bothered about having him as a friend.

"Oh come on." Talia sat forward. "He's funny, it's pretty hard not to enjoy his company Lily." Talia screwed up her face still confused by my disliking towards Harry.

"Well." I shrugged not really knowing how to answer her. "He's just so loud and obnoxious, it's fucking annoying." I shook my head, I brought the glass of wine up to my lips sipping it. "I mean, whenever we go out for a quiet drink he always has to be fucked - he is always fucking slashed."

"And you're not?" Freya cocked an eyebrow with a stupid smirk playing on her lips.

I just stayed silent, I knew there was some truth to what she was saying. "Come on, Frey is right. You're always fucked too." Talia titled her head knowing I was just as bad.

"Fine." I raise my hands in defeat. "But it's annoying when Harry does it." I smirked hearing the three of them huff.

"It's cold." I complained standing outside the club, the three of us had joined the line waiting to enter. The others were already inside, the line moved slowly it felt like it was taking an age.
The three girls were all giggling amongst themselves whilst I carried on trying to make myself warm by wrapping my arms around myself, I noticed Freya's eyes land on me again with that smirk... "What?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"The girls and I were talking."


"We want to make a bet." Talia chimed in.

"Go on..." I pressured.

"We'll give you a hundred pound IF you're nice to Harry, for a night." Freya said, giggling slightly.

"One night?"

"One night."

"Do I have to speak to him?" I questioned trying to find the catch.

"Yes." Freya stated. "You have to make conversation with him, try and make him see you in a different light.."

"You're a cunt, you know that." I laughed shaking my head.

"Well?" Freya raised an eyebrow awaiting my answer.

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