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I have this many candles on my cake

I am of this gender and species
Female, Water Monster

I have blue scales and fins on the sides of my head. Don't call me a fish to my face. Why would you call me that with this flaming red ponytail of coolness? With these protruding teeth and eyepatch on my left eye, I have a super awesome look. So there I'm am not boring old fish. I'm a badass water monster.

Look what I can do

Lead the Royal Guard and use my magic to create and summon as many of spear I want out of blue light. I do carry around the real metal spear, it mostly for looks.

I'm a different person, you see I'm
Spontaneous and passionate about everything so I always act without thinking. When I'm excited or angry, I have so much trouble controlling the indoor voice that I end up yelling a lot. I also have problems solving a lot of things with fighting and jumping to conclusions. I hate giving up so I'm always determined to finish what I started.

I'm very protective of my friends, especial when it comes to Alphy. Seeing her makes me forget all my worries. I don't have to act high and might with her. I can just enjoy my time with her while watching anime. Alphys told me that anime is actually part of human history, that's super cool. ANIME IS REAL! I hope I get to battle one someday.

In my past this was me

A delinquent teenager who did whatever I wanted and took what I wanted. If I felt like eating s' mores I would steal the stuff from the MMT food court then head back to Waterfall and set a field of Echo flower on fire. Most of the time when you burn something, the fire has an orange-yellow tint to it, but when these flowers burn, it's a blue neon color and gives the roasted marshmallow a honey flavor. It was so delicious I mis...Um....Where was I; right talking about how I was rotten as a teenager. When I wasn't destroying stuff, I would skip school and smoke mushrooms all day. When my parents did get me go to school, I would get suspended in no time flat. I tend to set trash cans on fire, causing food fights, curse the teacher out, or get into fights. Now look, I was a punk-ass kid, but I never bullied anyone. The kids I would fight WERE the bullies. I guess I took after my parents when it came to protecting others. Both of them were part of the Royal Guard. Which you would think that their daughter would be a military brat and proud of her parents, nope! I was an angry juvenile criminal, that caused them trouble. I have a record, went to jail a few times for stealing and destroying private property. They couldn't hold me in jail forever, seeing I was only a minor. When I got out I would rinse and repeat, mess it up all over again. Deep down I think I really did all that stuff because I wanted their attention. I just did it in the wrong way and became a disappointment to my parents.... I wish they could see me now.

Do you ever wish you can turn back time and make all your bad choices go way? I do, I wish I could go back and tell them I love them and I'm sorry. The last time I saw my parents, was when I just turned fourteen. That day seemed like any other day for those that lived in Waterfall. But it all changes when the underground was hit by one earthquake after another. We didn't know at the time cracks had formed in the cavern wall and water started pushing its way through the gaps. I remember hearing loud noises as if something was exploding. Water forming under my feet as a pack of screaming monsters passes me. The next thing I knew, my dad was running with me over his shoulder while my mom was screaming, trying to evacuate everyone to Hotland. I couldn't see, but I could hear water pursuing all of us fast. Monsters ran pass us and my parents stopped in their tracks and I was planted on the ground. They told me they love me and I need to run now. I tried refusing, but I was swept up by a few unknown monsters and got pulled along with the hysteria. When I looked back I could see my parents build a blockage out of the spears they summoned with magic. The cave was starting to crumble and the water was fierce. We would have all been crushed if not drowned. I was so devastated, the next thing I knew I was safely pulled across the bridge and entered into Hotland. We watched as the water rushed onto the bridge and run out from the sides. The weight of the water was pulling down one side and made the ropes snap. I watched in horror on the cliff when I realized...we were all homeless.

In the next few months, many Waterfall residents were placed into a hotel, paid by King Asgore Dreemurr himself. Meanwhile, those who had skills worked on fixing holes in the cave. Children, who also lost their family, were placed in an orphanage. When the King came to the orphanage, I uppercut him right in the chin. I was so angry, that I blamed him for the death of my parents. He didn't say a word as I started to fight him but I could not land another single blow on him. It was humiliating, he didn't fight back and only dodged my attacks. When I was too tired to fight he placed a hand on my shoulder. He told me he was sorry and I should be proud. If it was not for my family, no one in Waterfall would have made it here today. Next thing I knew, the King was training me, just like my parents. I worked so hard and diligently to make my family proud. No longer was I going to be looked at as a delinquent. I wanted them all to know what my parents did for them and now look to me as a reflection of that. The king said I had the real "Dreemurr" spirit and eventually promoted me as a Royal Guard.

Shhhh... I'm

I have a heart and it's set on
My best friend in the world, Alphys!

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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