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     Hello my lovely visitors. You may have ventured through the garden of sunrise or sunset. I hope the flowers treated you well. If you're new here welcome to the next realm of this poetic journey. The Ocean of Sapphire waves. Poems will reflect the depths themselves. Filled with whimsy and phantasmal wonders. But under the cover of moonlight things will change. A beauty of tepid surfaces. With a lurking of whirls intent on drowning. But worry not I'll make sure we all stay safe. So why not follow the starchild away from the gardens and down to the soft and sandy shores? Into the glimmering blue. I'll keep it all in your best interest.

Expect a tide a week. At the core of days.

The first glimmer of sapphire will twinkle in moments. ;D

Sunrise or Sunset: The Sea of SapphireWhere stories live. Discover now