The Sunken place

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The sunken place.

Not above or below.

Instead a tranquil limbo.

The lilac and lavender mirror of the skies above.

Honoring each and every star it could capture.

The flat of salty water the final resting place before the new.

The sound of gently lapping water.

Drawn out and soft hums.

The clicking of beating drums like that of a heart.

Blended together and wrapped up in croons like that of a violin.

Though there was a quake.

A loud groan as the sky itself fell.

Stars were the first to arrive.

Striking the mirror of water.

Sending cool liquid into the birth of sunrise.

Starfires of pale yellow.

Cloaked in lilacs and purples.

Sunrise or Sunset: The Sea of SapphireWhere stories live. Discover now