chapter 3

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Bakugou POV

Kirishima left the room and Mina started to hug me and cried, even more, I hated it when she cried I hugged her back trying to calm her down "mina I'm fine please stop crying"I said while rubbing her back she just nuzzled into my chest god I hate seeing her like this she's like a little sister a few moments later shitty hair came back and sat down on my bed when he did mina let go of me and sat up "give me your arms" he said as he stretched out his hand reaching for my wrist so I rolled up my sleeves and gave him my wrist he wrapped them gently once he finished he handed me some water and a sandwich we sat there in silence until Mina's phone got a text she read it and said "guys we need to go to the common room"  me and Kiri nodded and got up along with mina I was about to start walking to the door when he grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him so close I could feel his breath I could see mina fangirling out of the corner of my eye he soon kissed me I was shocked at first but I gave in when we parted for air mina squealed i was still trying to comprehend what happened "i love you Katsuki" Kiri said some how looking Me in the eyes "i-i love you too"that was all i manege to say fuck i stuttered again before mina said"i hate to interrupt but we need to go" so we went to the common room and sat down on the large couch when we sat down Kiri grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him not soon after interlocking our fingers we got several stares i just brushed them off not long after Aizawa walked in "due to recent events you are getting new dorms two boys and two girls except Mineta he has his own dorm " he said and he started to lit them off "todoroki, Iida, Tsu, and Uraraka .... bakugou, kirishima, mina, and Toru" and so on they all left and went to there own dorms once they got there mina wanted to play truth or dare to get our minds off of everything  witch is a good idea so we set in a circle "okay um kirishima truth or dare"mina said "truth" "okay where did you get your bandanna" mina replied that was a good question "oh easy my dad gave it to me"he replied with his toothy smile that i loved  we played a few more rounds when I noticed on my turn the way mina was looking at Toru so "mina truth or dare"I said already knowing that I can get her to confess "truth but only because I know how you can be with dares"she said I just smirk evilly in return I could she her gulp "okay then do you like Toru" as soon as I said that she turned the color of Kiri's hair she finally said "no..... m-mabey......ugh fine .. ill get you later katsuki" I knew I was gonna die but it was worth it "I like you to mina" I heard from toru I could see the shock in minas eyes after we counited to play and soon went to bed 

Kirishima x depressed Bakugou (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now