chapter 12

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chad pov

~time skip~

we decide to wait a bit todoroki was already in class but it was time I had brought the tablet both the pink girl and that boy went to class leaving katsuki and Bedelia so we went to that dorm Deku lead the way we got in easy he was in the other room they must have thought it was the redhead cause he said "hey babe" He was in the other room "why hello Katsuki"I said walking into the room he was in he stood up and picked up bedelia and he held her rightly " What do you want"he said he was acting tough it was annoying

Bakugo pov

He walked closer to me I backed up but he kept coming closer I kept backing up until I hit the wall "wait at least let me put her in her bad" I told him but in stead he grabbed her and handed him to someone i couldn't see who it was chad was blocking my vision then the person left the room but not the dorm he came closer and put two fingers under my chin and lifted my head so i was looking him in the eyes my breath quickened and he could tell "calm down katsuki i'm not gonna hurt you"he said his tone had no anger or lust and i was hella confused theirs always one or the other but he sounded clam and sincere almost "hey come here real quick"he yelled i assumed he was yelling at the person who was with him before the person entered the room and chad moved away from me "don't let him leave this room"chad said and left the dorm "d-deku"i said he smiled and said"why hello kacchan what are you surprised to see me helping him" my legs felt weak i wasn't sure why but soon they gave in and i feel to the ground deku got closer to me "aww is the poor kacchan scared"he said "i'm not fucking scared asshole"i said he backed away when we heard the dorm door open and chad came back into the room holding a bag "tell your boyfriend ill pay him back"chad said looking at deku then coming over to me he knelt down and sat me up i could of set up my self but i really didn't want to fight with him he pulled something out of the bag it made a noise like the sound when you pick up a chain once i saw that it was a collar with a leash i stood up and quickly ran and grabbed Bedelia and some how made made it out of the dorm and made it to the classroom i went in Bedelia was crying the whole class was staring at me when i went in i saw shitty hair i ran to him and hugged him he hugged me back "hey whats wrong"he said i was panicking and it was hard to breath "chad hes"was all i was able to say he let go of me and looked me the eyes "calm down"he told me with a calm tone i calmed down a bit mina got up and took Bedelia from me to try and clam her down but she kept reaching for me and trying to get to me but mina held onto her "ok now calm down and tell me what happened so i can help ok"shitty hair said i nodded "chad he was there with deku in the dorm he was gonna do something but i grabbed her and ran"i said quickly right when i finished talking someone came in the class shitty hair hugged me and put my head against his chest "todoroki-kun"i heard im pretty sure it was deku wait icy-hot to i hate to admit it but i was terrified i couldn't breath 

Kirishima pov

i felt bakugo shaking and soon my shirt was wet because of him cry chad was walking towards me and bakugo and when aizawa  tried to stop him todoroki froze his hands and feet along with the rest except me mina bakugo midoryia himself and the guy im assuming was chad he got closer to us and before i could do anything Bedelia forced her way out of minas arms and staired chad in the eyes and said "i wont let you hurt daddy again" "hehe and what can you do"chad said bakugo turned around to see what was going on and went to grab her "i don't have to because i already did if you don't believe me try to get me"she said both me and bakugo froze bakugo looked terrified chad tried to move but for some reason couldn't "what did you do brat"chad said and bakugo exploded at that he went over to chad and grabbed him by the throat "hunny turn off your quirk but keep it on the two haired colored boy and deku"he said to her and she nodded "ok now go help the others with your second quirk"he said tightening his grip on chad and she went over to every one and placed a hand on the ice and the ice exploded "ok so how dose it feel to be in my position"bakugo said chad didn't say anything and bakugo let go of him before punching him knocking him to the ground and kicking him in the stomach he then grabbed him by his hair and picked him up "don't ever call my kid a brat got it"bakugo said before slamming chads head against the wall knocking him out then bedlia came over bakugo let go of chad and she kicked him in the chest "asshole"she said surprising everyone except bakugo

Kirishima x depressed Bakugou (discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora