obsessing over "LOVE" ch.10

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(Posted before another ship sadly sank 😭)

Scarlet's POV

I wake up the next morning by Andy. "Scarlet baby we have to go back to the bus we only have a couple hours to get to warped tour, come on now angel wake up" I smile at how sweet and gently he woke me.

I get up and take his hand getting out of bed. he already has all of our stuff so all I have to do is go with him. we walk out to the bus. all of us.

me, Andy, Ashley, Cassidy, Jake, Max, Emma, Jinxx, Sammi, CC, Flora, Harry, and John. all the guys go to the bunks and are back to sleep in seconds.

me and Andy go back to his room and get in his bed. I cuddle into him and slowly, but surely the darkness consumes me once more.

later on in the after noon I wake up with a sleeping Andy at my side. I smile at him and get up trying not to wake him. I walk into the living room to see Cassidy sitting on the couch.

she looks all uppity uppity and perky. I look down at her neck and see that she's wearing a new locket. aw ash must have given that to her. she realizes I'm in the room and smiles.

"hey Scar how was your sleep?". I smile "it was great. sorry I slept through your party last night I just got really tired for some odd reason,

so what did Ashley get you?" her smile shines bright as soon as I mention his name "this" she shows me her locket. "it's so beautiful, and I will never take it off" she tells me smiling brightly.

then I remember her presents "me and Andy got you something". she smiles "gimme gimme gimme". I sigh and laugh as I get up and grab her presents. I walk back and hand them to her.

she looks in the bag and smiles "thank you so much" she hugs me and the sets the stuff aside. I look down at her thighs and gasp. there are four oval like bruises on both sides of her thighs.

what the crap? did some one hurt her? wait she turned 18 last night. and her boyfriend is Ashley Purdy. "are thoughts what I think those are?" I ask her.

she looks up at me through her lases "what do you think they are?" I stare at her bruises. "are those bruises from Ashley's fingers?" Cassidy looks really embarrassed "no" is all she says.

"oh my god! THEY ARE!!!" she starts repeatedly smacking my arm. "brodcast it to the world why don't you" she whisper yells. I sigh "sorry anyway, how was losing your virginity to that sex machine?"

she smiles widely "girl after your done there is no such thing as a cloud 9 you have reached heaven" I laugh. "it was that good?" I ask.

she snickers "it's more then good. it's 110% bliss, it feels like you've been rebor, all I can say is it's the most amazing feeling in the world".

I nod as I start to think about what it would be like if me and Andy did that. how amazing it will feel. if it feels at all like what Cass just described, I wont let Andy leave that back room for weeks on end ;).

soon after our conversation Cass goes back to her bunk. I lay down on the couch and rest my eyes just for a moment


I was laying down on Andy's bed watching TV. I was watching adventure time. man I love that show! a couple minutes later, and in walks Andy with just a towel wrapped around his waist. "oh. um. i'll leave if you'd like"

I go to get up, but he stops me "it's alright I want you in here" he kisses me slowly getting on top of me. soon this went from a sweet and light kiss to a hot and heavy make-out session.

as I start to grind myself against him I can feel him grow hard which pleases me. soon I start tugging at the towel wrapped around Andy's waist "off " I whisper into his ear. he smiles "are you sure baby?" I nod

end of dream

"babe wake up. where here" I look up at Andy in a daze "huh?" I ask really confuse. we were just about to have sex. what happened? "where at warped tour babe" crap. it was just a stupid dream.


Pic of Jake and Ella before they broke up also sorry for the really short chapter some of them will be like this

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