Chapter 20- Living and Biulding

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Josh's POV

We are about half way there and Jacob keeps trying to talk to me. I had to ignore him or I was gonna end up killing him. I swear, even if he looks at her the wrong way I'm gonna turn and strangle him. I'm pretty sure Genna knows this too so every time he tries to talk to me Genna will call him over and start talking to him. I look down at Natalia who was passed out in my arms still. Every so often she will wiggle in my arms and then go back to sleep. I feel bad that I didn't catch her. I was so close but I'm not gonna let that happen again..... I Promise

When we finally arrived I went and instantly looking for a house to put Natalia in. I found a half decent house and checked it out to make sure no stray zombies were hiding behind any of the doors. There had been about five but I had been too mad to even care. So I took out my knife and just killed them all, I had no concern for my own safety. They all dropped dead on floor and I had to drag them out away from the houses so they would stink up the place. I grab Natalia from Dessy who had Natalia passed out on her shoulder. I picked her up and brought her to the house I had just cleared out.  I found a room and gently placed her in the bed. I walked around the house and found the key to the front door on the ground next to the bathroom. I grab them and walk out of the house and lock the door behind me so no one could bother her. I walk over towards Jacob and he watches me eye fully as I approach, "Listen we need to start building these walls that Natalia was talking about. Me, you," I said pointing at Jacob," Genna, and Dessy. Until Natalia wakes up and wants to help like we all know she will." He nods,

"What are we gonna make it out of?" Jacob asks confusedly. What would we make them out of? I take a moment and look around the area we were now in and realized there is an abundant amount of trees around us so then I looked at him and point to our perimeter,

"Probably tree logs."  He nodded his head,

"Okay how are we gonna cut them down?" I look at him already getting more annoyed than I already was. What is this twenty questions?

"Ugh. I saw some tools in the houses good for cutting down trees." He nods. "The walls are gonna have to be at least eight feet tall." He nods his head again. "We better start now if we want to get anything done." He nods his head once more." Go spread the word to the girls." He gets up and walks over to the girls and makes hand gestures towards me. They nod there heads and start walking towards me. They stop ready and listening. "Okay....Let's start if we hurry we can make the wall around just this house. " I gesture towards the house behind me the one Natalia is in. "And then tomorrow we can expand and we can keep expanding until it's around the entire village." They all nod at me. I shake my head and clap my hands together. "Alright let's get started."


By the time we were done everyone was sweating and panting because we were all out of breath. I look around at the wall that was now around the house ans smile. "Good work everybody." They all look at me and smile "Go take a shower now." They all nod and head inside. I don't know why everyone just assumes the water will be off when its only the zombie apocalypse why would they shut off the water and electricity...Dumb. I turn from the wall and start to head inside when I hear a voice from the other side of the wall,

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I turn back to the wall and run towards the gate we had built . I opened it a crack to see a very tall man with a baby boy in his arms I would say the man was around his late 40's and the kid was about four or five. Behind the man was a women how looked like she was in her late sixties early seventies,

"May I help you?" I ask politely trying to hide as much as I could behind the gate. The man looks down at me and for someone to look down on me and me being six two he was TALL, about seven foot I would say. He smiles,

"Yes, I saw the wall you must have built while passing through here. We were looking for people that needed help and I was wondering maybe if we could spend a day or two here because I don't want my son or mother to get hurt." I open the gate to get a better look at the group. They looked pretty okay for a group who has an elder and a kid. We could use them...

"I would have to ask my group and co leader." I say trying to sound as calm as I can when an almost seven foot man staring me down. He nods and asks,

"You have a group?" I nodded my head

"Me, my friends and" I cringe at his name, "this one other kid, Jacob." He nodded his head once more,

"Are you all teens?" I nod but by this time the rest of the group except Natalia was outside and listening to our conversation. Genna approached behind me and says,

"Hello sir. My name is Genna and with Josh's consent," She looked towards me and then back at him," We would like it very much if you were to join our group." Them man looked over at me and I looked at Genna and began to speak,

"Alright but there are a few conditions." I said turning my attention back to the man. He nodded his head listening very carefully now,

"Of course." I began to talk again,

"Me and my co leader will stay leader, just because you are an adult doesn't mean you become leader. You will follow our rules and play by them to. And you get what we give you. I.E Me and my co leader." He nods his head,

"Completely understandable. But could I be an adviser because I use to hunt a lot up in Maine and I know a few things about killing fast moving things." I nodded my head,

"That is acceptable.... Okay and one other thing. Do you have any weapons?"

He nods his head and pulls a shot gun crossbow and hand held out, "This is what I have and my mother has a hand held as well. You see I am pretty stocked but I would have to head back to my house which isn't to far from here. I have a load of weapons and ammo." I nod my head,

"How far away?" He looks behind him at the falling sun,

"Um...Not to be rude but can we come in." Duh how dumb of me. Standing  here blocking the way in while he is standing there trying to answer my questions as nicely as possible,

"Yeah of course, sorry." He shakes his head,

"It's fine. Anyway" He says as he walk in through the gate. I close and lock it behind him. By lock I mean place a piece of wood on the hold of where it goes. "About a mile away. You have to go passed a big hill and up to a white and blue house." Then it hit me,

"Would you happen to be Mr.Smith?" He nods his head SHIT......This should be...interesting...

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