Chapter 2

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Percy sighed as he made his way back to small "house" who he now shared with a boy Nico. The boy was Percy's age, but was pretty small, compared to all the other seventeen year old's. His skin was pretty pale to say the least as it made him resemble a corpse. The way he slept didn't help Nico's case when Percy told him that he looked like a dead boy walking.

Percy sat down next to Nico who started to take his bass guitar, and started to tune it. Percy followed suit, letting his memories drift to what had happened just a few hours before. His anger still hasn't subsided. What gave Luke the right to touch his belongings? It sent a nasty feeling in his chest at the thought of Luke grabbing his guitar and smashing it to pieces. His only keepsake from his mother.

The two both started off slowly, before Percy seemed to take lead. Nico grinned as the two played to their hearts content, the air around the two was like a calm ocean or an undisturbed lake, before what seemed to be a big rock drop into it, sending ripples to every location.

Nico watched as Percy angrily played his guitar, his pick was at one point going slow and nice before going loud and annoying. The air hummed at Percy picked his guitar before coming to a sudden stop.

Nico stared at Percy mouth agape before a smile appeared on his face, "We've totally got to make a band!"

Percy looked at him weirdly, "I don't think that idea would work."

"Why not? With your sweat guitar skills and my awesomeness, I'm sure we can come into an arrangement. But all we missing is someone to play some drums." Nico said, jumping on his seat.

Percy rolled his eyes, "Did you forgot that were drop dead poor? Where would we be able to find a someone that plays the drums?"

Nico got up and paced back and forth, Percy could have sworn he saw a light bulb appeared above Nico's head as an idea popped into mind, "Why not try and find someone at your school? There should at least be one drummer out of all those kids."

Percy sighed, waving his hand back and forth, "I'm not exactly one of the popular kids but I'll see what I can do. No promises though. I don't see this band idea working any time soon."

2 Weeks Later

Percy rested his head on his desk, not wanting to spend another goddamn minute in this class. He wanted to just go out and play with his guitar. Much to his pleasure, the bell erupted, and Percy was long gone. It was now lunch and this time no one was going to interrupt him.

He found a nice spot under a tree, away from the rest of the world. He quickly brought out his guitar was soon enough playing it. Percy's hand crashed into the strings, a loud noise interrupting the silent and calm air. After playing for what seemed like seconds, ten minute reminder was heard, he groaned at the noise of it.

"You're pretty good." said a certain golden haired boy as he made his way around the tree.

Percy raised his brows at him and looked around, "I'm sure Luke or Annabitch would question you if they see you with me."

"I have excuses," Jason shrugged, "Anyways, you're pretty good with that guitar."

Percy waved his hand back and forth, "Nothing special."

This time it was Jason turn to raise his eyebrows, "Are you kidding me? With skills like that, you would easily get in a band or something."

"Its funny you say that," Percy chuckled, "My friend wants me to start a band with him, but the problem is that he plays bass and I can only play guitar. We don't have a drummer."

Jason grinned, earning a questionable look from the boy, "We'll your in luck. You've got a drummer standing right in front of you."

Percy smiled, "Are you sure? What are you gonna do if the two hot heads figure out your in a band with the lamest guy in school?"

"They won't find out." Jason grinned.

Percy got up and shook his hand, "Well then, welcome to the band."

Before leaving for class, Jason gave Percy his address, and said that he should come over with his friend today to play.

Percy grinned as he stuffed the ripped piece of paper in his pocket. Looks like his witch hunt for a drummer has came into an end quite sooner then expected. He sent a fist into the air, Nico's gonna be thrilled by the news.

Once school finished, Percy quickly made his way back home, easily dodging and slipping through the crowds of people. Once home, he found Nico trying to juggle glass beer bottles before one fell, crashing into the ground. Percy laughed as Nico pouted at his failed attempt at juggling.

"Your not going to believe what I was able to get today." Percy said smugly, putting his backpack down. Nico raised his brows, waiting for his answer. 

Percy smirked as he a raised the piece of paper with a certain address, "I got us a drummer."

So I've decided that these chapters are going to be about at least around 1000 word chapters, as I think the story would go on a lot better then around my usual 1500 word stories. Each chapter will be like a certain event like this, where Percy gets a drummer and shows it to Nico and stuff.

I think they chapters would seem a lot better than that then me keeping a moment for eternity. Makes it easier for myself as well since I'm another story at the moment too ^^

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