63. Warring Kingdoms

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He awakened to a loud knocking at the door, and he jumped up from the bed, frantically grabbing his sword, and throwing open the door of the room

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He awakened to a loud knocking at the door, and he jumped up from the bed, frantically grabbing his sword, and throwing open the door of the room. He dashed determinedly out into the hall, running with the blade, and slipping into the den with due caution, his heart racing and adrenaline pumping.

"Well, Blackridge," Kypher said, standing by the door with his sword at his side, "I see you've still got it. You made good time in coming. If we were under attack, I'm sure I would be quite relieved to have you here. But, as it is, it's only Ben. Though, it is good you're up." He turned to face him, his tone serious, "We're leaving."

'Leaving...? But why?'

"What?" Blackridge asked, not understanding the sudden change in plans. "Why would we leave?"

"They're going to burn the city," the young prince announced from his place beside Kypher.

"What!" Justice interjected, positioned strategically with his sword beside the chair wherein he slept. "Burn Elkshire?" he clarified with some disgust, not wanting to believe it.

Benjamin nodded. "I'm afraid so," he muttered softly, a distinct sadness seeping through his voice. "Ambassador Webber has instructed that we each prepare for immediate departure. Representative Carder and his wife will be coming along with us. No one else will."

"I see," Blackridge muttered.

His eyes strayed from his companions, scanning the room. It was only slightly disheveled, though it was obviously in use and clearly slept in, though lightly... well, for the most part. He caught a glimpse of Avera on the couch, and began to silently consider her state.

'She sleeps soundly.' He smiled. 'At least one of us can rest. I'm afraid I've had far too much my fill of terror and bloodshed to sleep with such impunity.' He smirked. 'It's lucky I can keep my eyes shut at all.'

"Would they really do that?" Kypher asked with shock and horror.

The question seemed to be directed towards Adrien, and it caught him off guard.

"Need you even ask that?" Justice retorted, lashing out with intense emotion.

"Ah!" Kypher looked at him stunned, his eyes wide and frantic. "But... the Kingsmen, all of their representatives are here!"

"Mr. McFarland has gone, and Mr. Carder is coming with us," Benjamin corrected. "We appealed to the others at length. They would not hear us."

"Yes, but still..." Kypher said, looking briefly to Benjamin before his eyes locked again on Blackridge. "Would they...?"

'So, it's time, then... they found us.'

He looked past their curious faces and questioning eyes in mindful consideration to the distance beyond them, mulling over lasting memories of age old conversations...

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