Chapter 2

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Star Wars high school chapter 2

It was the morning after the winter ball "how was your night last night after the winter ball ended?" Padmes friend Julia asked Padmé.

"Anakin date raped me." said Padmé

"Alright settle down class" said professor mace windu, the meanest but badass of all the teachers

Today wee are going to be learning about Pythagorean theorem

"Yaaawnnnn" said poe dameron stood up and walked to the front of the room "let's learn about the gay right movement"

"Commander dameron that's a detention. Does anyone else want a detention"

Finn shook his head. Finn is Poe's boyfriend

"Fire alarm" Poe pulled the fire alarm

Everyone had to go outside. Anakin found padme "heyyy padme what's up wanna come over to my place after school tonig ht" he raised his eyebrows sedactively

"Anakin, I'm pregnant. You're the father." said padme

To be continued

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 29, 2020 ⏰

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