Chappie 3

14 0 1

Sasha's POV

I woke up this morning to people laughing and yelling. It took me a while to remember last night's events. Then it all came flooding back at me. I got up and took a shower, then got dressed in my favorite 5SOS sweatshirt and purple jeggings.

I went downstairs to see Michael jumping on the couch, Ashton, Luke and Calum having a pillow fight, and Bailey wearing almost the same thing as me.

I whisteled to get everybody's attention. "People, we are leaving in an hour! Get this picked up NOW!"

-----------------------------------------------1.5 hours later ----------------------------------------------------------------


Sasha and Bailey got changed ino their on-plane outfits, while Michael and Luke had a heart to heart about Sasha and Bailey. 



Hey! Yahoo! 2 updates in a day! RECORD!

-Destniy and Brailey the Dorky Unicorns

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