Chappie 4

13 1 0

Luke's POV

        As soon as we stepped off of the plane, I could see Sasha and Bailey relax. Granted, it was pretty cold in London. We hailed a cab to take us to our flat.

         Sasha and Bailey stepped inside and their jaws dropped.

        "Where are we staying?" Saha asked.

        "Um, we thought you could stay with us. We have spare rooms." Calum responded.

        "Are you sure? We don't want to be in the way..." Bailey said, kicking at the dirt.

        "Of course you can. Now, who's ready to get changed for a lazy day?" I asked, getting an immediate "WHOO!" from everybody.

Bailey's POV

                As soon as Luke said the words lazy day, I was all ears. Sasha and I went to our rooms and unpacked. I had a MacBook Pro on my desk. I turned on my phone and it had everybody's name and phone number, including Pizza Hut. It also had music and games. Sasha must have gotten it on the plane.

                I got changed into my cutest lazy outfit (link in external), hoping Luke was gonna be there.

        As soon as I went downstairs, I relized that it was too quiet for anybody to be home. The TV was on, however, so I went to the living room.

        "Hey." a deep voice said on my right, and I screamed.

        "Fuck, Luke. You gave me a heart attack!" I said, tears leaking down my face.

        Luke noticed and came over to me.

        "Love, what's wrong? I didn't mean to scare you." he said, hugging me.

        We walked over to the couch and flopped, Luke still hugging me.

        "It's not that. My ex, Hunter, sounded exactly like that, the he- he-" I said, breaking down in tears again.



sorry, bebes! Cliffy! but i will have bray update for me so i will see you in 2 or 3 days!

-Destiny the Quirky Unicorn

PS if u support Luke and Baily, it's #laily. Mikey and Sasha are #masha, courtesy of @fangirlingohmygod

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