Chapter 11Week 1: Skeletal Ponies!!!!

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Ashley's POV

        I was already missing Andy and his talks about random movies, video games, and books. I paced the floor like crazy. I couldn't just sit there and think about it, it would drive me crazy. I wondered where Andy was, and if he was safe. I walked into the woods, swinging my sword around. It'd been a week already...

        I ran into Cherry, Andy's nymph friend, and asked if she could contact some cloud nymphs to watch Andy. "I need to know he's safe," I shakily explained. With the fact that Andy will surely be safe, I ran back to camp.

Nico's POV

        I woke up on a soft bed, softer than anything I've felt before. But that was ruined by Rebekah sitting on my stomach. I grunted, and she realized where she was sitting.

        "Oh! Oh, sorry!"

        "It's alright," I said, before realizing something. "Where..." I looked outside. I saw tall skyscrapers outside, and I realized we were in a big city.

        "I got a newspaper. It seems like we're in Las Vegas," Rebekah replied to my confused expression.

        "We're supposed to be in the Un- er-in L.A.!"
Andy nodded. "Yeah, but unless you're feeling up for it, we need another kind of transportation than shadow travel." I thought for a moment.

        "How about we ride skeleton pegasi?"

        A minute later, I found myself riding a skeleton of a pegasus in the air. I summoned the Mist to conceal us as we flied to Los Angeles, where the Underworld lay.

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