Chapter 18 Enemies Arise

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Nico's POV

I gave up talking to Percy because he was acting like a newborn and decided to look outside.
I saw someone in the shadows, with short black hair and blue eyes. He looked like Andy, but that was impossible. I must be hallucinating. I saw Andy die, I sensed it.

After a moment of thinking intensely, I thought of something.
"Percy, this is important. What's the last thing you remember?"
"Waking up beside a white river," Percy replied blankly. I knew it. He had bathed in the River Lethe.

Andy's POV

I saw Nico make eye contact with me, but instead of perking up, he got even sadder. I wondered why that is. Bob was still standing out in the open, which was scaring me. He might blow our cover!
Nico talked to Percy-look-a-like for a while, then turned towards me again. The ghost and girl stopped talking and seemed to realize something.

The ghost turned toward me and I gasped. "Rebekah?" Forgetting I was in hiding and Rebek was a traitor, I walked out of the shadows.
"Confirmed," The ghost said.

Ashley's POV

I had fallen asleep, and I was walking through a familiar meadow. A woman shimmered into existence, and a man was talking to her quietly. The woman nodded and disappeared, and the man turned to me.

When I woke, I couldn't remember a thing the man said to me. But I saw his eyes... They were pure white. No pupil, no iris. It scared me, because I'd never seen those eyes on a regular person that radiated no power.

When I told Annabeth, she looked at me strangely.
"Does this mean we have a new enemy?"

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