Unexpected Journey

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"Rose! Hold on!" Yelled he doctor. The tardis trembled like it was stuck inner week two tectonic plates in the middle of an earthquake. "What's going on?" Yelled rose over the whirring of the machine. "Some sort of signal is drawing us, somewhere a million light years behind the sun!" The doctor ran around the tardis console and pulled and pushed all sorts of complex knobs and levers, trying to revert the signal. A big boom and shake in the tardis announced the tardis's landing in its reverted destination. The doctor immediately tried to travel away, but couldn't. "Doctor? Where are we?" Rose asked, noticing the unsuccessful attempt of covering up the concern on the doctors face. "I don't know" the doctor said, shrugging on his coat " some sort of signal is keeping us here. we need to turn it off or blow it up or something. Pass me my screwdriver?" Rose passed the sonic device behind her. "We're on some sort of spaceship, stay behind me" said the doctor, trudging towards the door. The doctor creaked open the door, and when nothing happened, walked out with rose on his tail. It was dark in the ship. "Maybe it's just an abandoned ship" said rose. "I wish" said the doctor flipping on the lights. There were marks and scratches, and there was high oxygen and heat level tanks to the right. There was a constant sound of whirring in the background that rose hadn't noticed earlier. A low rumbling sound followed by a high pitched sonar peaked THHE doctors interest. Rose looked at the doctor. "Trouble?" The doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver. " oh yeah "
"I'm guessing the sonar sound is leading us to the signal that pulled us here" rose said, walking toward it, Tailing the doctor. "Exactly" said the doctor as they reached the door he guessed led to the signal. "You never know" said the doctor, passing rose a gun latched onto the wall." The sonic screwdriver opened the cast iron door. Bright lights made the doctor and rose shield their eyes. When the shock of the light from "the source" faded, the doctor realized this wasn't going to be a quick journey. A large robot turned around.

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