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"I've got it!" I shouted.

"Got what sir?" My assistant asked nervously.

"I have finally decided what the twist to the quarter quell is going to this year! This is going to be the most amazing quell yet! We must start working!"

"Right away sir." She said. "Sir, I just need to know one thing."

"WHAT?" I snapped. He should already be getting everyone to work on this. There is a lot to prepare for.

"W-what is going to be the t-twist?" Oh ya. I had forgotten to tell her my wonderful idea.

"Yes, yes, that. We are going to be doing a writers games-"

"But we did that last quarter quell." She interrupted.

"I KNOW WE DID! LET ME FINISH!"She stayed quiet. "Thank you. As I was saying. We are going to be doing the writers games again. The same rules as lasts writers games, but there is a twist." I could tell that Lily, my assistant, was drawn in at that last statement.

"What's the twist?!" She asked excitedly.

"Each and everyone of them will inherit the powers of a mythical creature." Lily was amazed when I said this.

"You really think that this will work?" She questioned.

"Of course. Now start preparing. I want this to be the best games ever." With that she ran out of my office to begin.


Are you ready for the mythical games!? I hope you are, because this is going to be so much fun! There are a few rules to go with these games.

No cussing. I don't need everyone dropping the f-bomb or calling people a b****. Let's keep these games clean and fun for everyone!

No more than two entries per person. I actually prefer you to only have one so more people can play and it is going to be hard for some of you.
Be nice and respectful to everyone. Let's keep this a nice and safe environment.
Get things in on time. That way we can get the games to go fast and not have to be waiting on people.
Email everything to me at: . You can post it onto your wattpad if you want, but make sure that you also email it to me so I can put it into the games.
Last, but not least. Have fun! This is going to be fun if you let yourself have fun!

With the rules out there now... Let's get started!!

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