Sombra darkness Sphinx: District 8

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Name:Sombra darkness Sphinx (Shadow)



District: 8

Personality: Dark, evil , cold (only nice to freinds) nice (somtimes) strong, quiet , ruthless , overly smart.

apperance: Very gothic , king sombra boots , huge long leather jacket , black jeans , tattos , He has scars on his face , black hair , blood red eyes , sharp animal dog teeth . He wears an black assassin creed black hood , wears a king sombra t-shirt (that is very creepy) a belt that has shadow lords symbol indeded in the metal. He has two necklaces one of satans symbol and Shadow Lord's. He always has his earbuds in lisening to music, Shadow is very muscular.

Back ground: He was born on the streets abused , moved to an orphange when he was two. Is an satanist belives heavily in Shadow Lord. He grew up alone reading books praying to his god , murders people since he was a child , he's always been alone people are highly afraid of him because of his weird religon. When he was 13 he escaped from the orphange then moved to a dark cave deep in the mountians. He works at an libary and an bucher shop.

One day: The Dark teen walked to work , his metal was booming out of his ear buds. It was a cold rainy and snowy day. His tattoded hand grasped the door handle then stepped in. A very large tall man looked over the counter then laughed loudly "SHADOW! nice to see you again my freind!" a pigs head hung from the man's huge hand you chould see the pigs spine coming out of the bottom of the head. "Hello Mr. Venom " shadow spoke quietly , he lifted his hood from over his face you can see his scars on his face and satan and egyptian god tattoos. He took out his black ear buds , he took out his phone then paused his music. The man wiped the pigs blood on his whiite blood stained apron. Shadow walked through a door , he grabbed a very large sharp knife. The man walked over to shadow then padded his back "Ill take the costumers you do your profession", Shadow similed "Thank you sir " as he slit open the pigs abdomen, the man dropped the pigs head on the table it's blood gushed out of the bottom then a bubble of blood popped then spat blood. Shadow smiled evilly , he licked his lips with his adnormal snake like tounge. Hours went bye people in and out of the bucher shop. The clock rung one aclock in the afterroon the man put his hands on the blood covered table his face lit up "well well shadow five pigs without eating that is a record ill give you something for the rode?" shadow smiled "Thank you I think my god is getting angry with me because i've been falling behind on my offerings" he replied. The man walked to the back then came out with a calf of a cow shadow killed but gave birth to a calf earlier so he killed that too.

He rapped the dead calf in a bag then handed it to shadow "here you go , you have some time before you go work at the other creepy lirbary" he replied. Shadow nodded "Thank you sir shadow lord will be pleased" Shadow thanked him. He took the bag the large man padded him on the back as he walked towards the door, "Goodbye shadow have a good rest of your day " The man yelled , Shadow looked back from opeing the door he smiled. His canine dog like teeth showed as he smiled then walked out.

Shadow lifted his hood over his face once again, he didn't plug his ear buds in because it was a vortex of a servere thunderstrom outside of snow and rain. Shadow stalked out he ran home into the mountains he had a car but that was only going to far places even though the mountains where five miles away. Shadow sprinted into his cave threw a long dark tunnel , he sidestepped into his home, he took off his jacket them turned on all the lights he stepped into a room with two areas one with shadow's and fire plus a werewolf skull and dark egyptian artifacts the next one had the devil symbol painted black on the cave wall like the other one then fire and human skulls on both of the sides.

shadow nelt down in an area facing the werewolf skull, he unraveled the bag he took out the calf softly then laid it down on a pile of ash, he smiled evilly lit it on fire then started to chant weird demon words.

Favorite mythical creature (werewolf)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2015 ⏰

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