Chapter 1

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Bloody Red sting on y/n's face as he caresses his face and smirked

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU FVCKING DUMPED A WOMAN LIKE ME!" The woman named Seulgi shouted

" And i can't believe you went hysterical just because of me , who toyed you very well" he chuckled

the woman threw her sandals into his face and walked out.

"another woman down." Chaeyoung popped out of nowhere

y/n smiled widely and hugged chaeyoung

"It was very fun bro!" he joyfully said

Chaeyoung only flashed a low smile

"yeah i guess" said chaeyoung

Son Chaeyoung
-Y/n's Bff
kind but not soft but kinda buff

why is this happening? the reason..

what is it again?

yes that's right it was that girl who made him like this.

Kim Jennie

y/n's ex gf
who ditched him , without saying anything yep we called that 'ghosting'

hoping he will hear the reason why,well atleast but years passed no luck until now.

Jennie just didnt give a fck onto him now.

Because of that y/n never had a real relationship , the sincere one.

He view woman/girls as nothing but a time killer and dumped them rightaway if he gets bored.

What's worse?

y/n's hobby is to make a bet over womens

He will asked them for a date just because of this stupid bet.

Y/n grabbed the shot glass and pour the last drop of alcohol on the glass

He groaned in annoyance

"1 more bottle please" he gestured at the barista

"Bro you should stop now." Chaeyoung said as she takes away the bottle from him

He looked chaeng for couple of minutes and in instant chaeyoung understood whats going on

"So who's the newly dumped girl?" Chaeyoung asked

a week after yes another girl he's talking about.

"she's incredibly beautiful and.." he then started to laugh

"she slapped me too hard when i told her that i was just playing with her over a bet. Thanks to her that was very entertaining" he added

Chaeyoung scratched her nape and sighed deeply , she didnt approve this side of y/n

but y/n is convincing her to play a bet with him.

"Chaeyoung.. you always lose to me , i can almost buy a car with all the money youve lost" He chuckled

"Look y/n you should stop this now." She said but y/n didnt want to.

"Youre my friend right?" he asked

"Yes im your- "

"Then let's see if you can win the next bet" y/n confidently stood up and flashed a wide smile to chaeyoung

Chaeyoung can't do anything and just facepalmed herself

"so who's next?" she asked

"There's this senior at my workplace , she's freaking hot!" y/n said excitingly

"Drop the name" chaeyoung spat

"Im nayeon, if i got her i win , if i didnt i lose, 500 dollars all in deal?" y/n offered

"Deal bitch" chaeyoung agreed

"well then let's see if you'll win this time chaeyoung haha!" y/n proceeded to take a taxi and waved a goodbye to chaeyoung

"Until when will he keep doing this.." chaeyoung sighed

lol short eh?
no dubu in chapter 1 im srry
This should only be an introduction lmao

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