Chapter 2: First Meetings

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I couldn't believe my eyes. Before me was a world very different from the one I was accustomed too. From where I stood, my vision was filled with a vibrant green as far as the eye could see. It was a gigantic, seemingly endless forest spreading out before me. I could see a river, not too far in the distance, but just how far did it extend? That's not the problem here! Those boulders...They're...They're floating! I thought to myself as I looked ahead. Spread out over the forest, gigantic boulders of pure rock were floating above ground, as if chunks of the forest had been ripped up and left to levitate on the spot. Furthermore, I could see numerous peculiar rock formations sprouting out from within the forest. They were like large, semi-rings, miraculously not collapsing in on itself. Instead, I could see vegetation growing atop those rings despite them being made of rock.

"I've got to be dreaming, right? There's no way...There's just no way this is real.." I told myself with a nervous chuckle. I raised my hand to my cheek, pinching it between my thumb and index finger, only to feel a light, stinging pain as a result. "S-So this isn't a dream..?" I took a deep breath, slowly getting up on my feet, calmly. Right, I wasn't dreaming. Things were going to be alright. "Like hell is this alright!! What kind of messed up bullshit is this?! That voice from yesterday, this is your fault, ain't it? Bring me back home right fucking now!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, hoping someone would hear my demands and fulfill them, but the only reply I received was the sound of flapping wings and caws as a group of crows took flight, likely to escape my loud voice.

Realizing I was supposedly stuck in this place, I stormed off into the forest, without any caution for what could possibly be lurking inside, where the sun couldn't reach me. I've read a story like this before, an Ise-something, a story of someone being taken to another world. I don't remember the title of the story, but it was ridiculously long for some reason. Anyway, there's no way that happened. Stuff like that isn't real. I don't remember taking any, but this must be the effect of some drug. That's the only explanation!

Lost in thought, I ended up wandering further further into these dense woods. After about an hour of aimlessly marching ahead, the number of trees became fewer, until there were none at all left. The bright sunlight snapped me out of my thoughts, forcing me to hold my arm up to take cover if I did not want to be blinded. Up until then, I could only hear the rustling of the leaves as the wind passed them, as well as the occasional chirping of birds, but now there was also the calm sound of water. The river I had spotted in the distance when I first woke up in this place was now right in front of me, and suddenly, I felt thirsty.

With a light jog, I made my way to the edge of the river and dropped down to my knees, immediately dipping my hands into the fresh water and forming a bowl with them. I then raised my hands back out of the water and greedily gulped down the water inside them "That hit the spot.~" I let out with a satisfied sigh, then looked back down at the water, watching the ripples that my actions had created. So...what do I do now? But just as I was about to think of that, my mouth fell open in shock. The water was finally still again...and it's reflection revealed a man I had never seen before. It was me.

My hair had become a bit longer, now reaching past my ears and partly down to my neck. There were multiple strands of hair creating a 'spiky' look, however it didn't seem messy. What was most shocking though was it's color. Red. My hair was now a bright red color, and on closer inspection, my eyes had taken a golden shade for reasons unknown to me. Looking down at myself, I finally took notice of my clothing as well. I was loosely wearing what I believe was called a yukata. It's right half was a red that matched my new hair-color, while the left side was colored white, with brown fur resting over my left shoulder. The edges of the cloth were adorned with brown and gold. I also had strange, black sleeves on my arms, with bandages wrapped around my forearms. The only thing I considered normal about this outfit were my black pants and shoes, although even those showed off hints of red. At the side of my hip, I spotted what appeared to be a sword, sending a chill down my spine. "What's up with this?"

Yep, I'm definitely tripping

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Yep, I'm definitely tripping. I thought, but even so, I was no longer really convinced that that was the case. It was then that I heard some unnatural rustling. I would raise my head and look around, trying to find the source of said sound, but it did not take long for me to find it. On the other side of the river, a beautiful woman walked out of the woods.

Her choice of clothes was even stranger than what I was wearing. She was wearing no more than a black bikini...or was it lingerie underwear. Adorned with white frills, it was difficult for me to tell the difference. I was entranced by her smooth skin and the shape of her body, following it up from her plump legs to her slender waist, my cheeks taking a slightly pink tone when I saw the mounds of flesh being held behind her top. It was then that I noticed she was wearing a choker with a black ribbon bow at the front of it. Her stoic expression made her look refined, and her eyes were golden, much like my own. Her chocolate brown hair reached all the way down to her thighs, with a frown cut at the front to cover her forehead. On her head was a white, frilly cloth, resting between her small, red, curved horns. She was- Wait a minute...Horns? Horns! My blushing face turned pale in the matter of seconds and my expression was that of terror. Not only did this woman have horns, but sticking out from her back were large, bat-like wings. She also had a thin, black tail, which took the shape of a black heart at the very tip.

When she finally spotted me, her calm expression changed and was completely replaced with one of anger and disgust

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When she finally spotted me, her calm expression changed and was completely replaced with one of anger and disgust.

"What the hell do you think you're looking at, human?"

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