The dream arrived

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It was a few hours later and she had finally arrived . 

NASA what a beautiful place I can't believe i am finally here

Well I can definitely believe it 

Dina thank you so much for making this happen

Your welcome Eve

Eve went inside NASA and started giving her details so she would be able to go inside the rocket. As she was walking through the path to the rockets she saw one of her ex best friends Mia. 

Hey you ugly thing 

Mia I haven't done anything to you i don't understand why your being so mean.

You stole my boyfriend and you stole my best friend 

I didn't mean to but you were being really mean to them so it was mostly your fault


I walked of and continued on my journey to my dream I was really excited and was never ready for it to end

Eve had reached the end of the path and was boarding the rocket. Once she got inside the rocket she realized that there was supposed to be someone with her but no one was there. As she was about to leave the rocket to speak to someone she realized that someone had locked her inside. She didn't know who it was so she was a little but nervous.

The count down was about to start so she sat in the chair still worried about why someone had locked her inside and who was it. She fastened her seat belt and decided to prepare for the countdown by sitting down properly












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