the first meeting

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The sun outside was blinding me as I stood with my two friends. We were outside of the cherry bombs gym ready to film a full-body routine. The two blondes are Seonghwa and Yunho, and then there is me, Hi I'm wooyoung, and I'm an omega, who has yet found a mate. well to be honest all of us have not found our mate yet.

As we were filming, I spotted familiar red hair. With a grin, I ran over to find not only Mingi but also San and Hongjoong. Quickly, I went back to Yunho and Seonghwa.

"Guys, look! It's San, Mingi, and Hongjoong!"

"Where?" Seonghwa questioned me, curiously looking around.

I pointed in the direction of the gym entrance. The blonde duo looked at where I was gesturing before their expressions changed to that of fanboys. I almost fell into the same state before remembering what we were supposed to be doing.

"Guys, let's finish filming the video, please?" I had to pretty much beg them.

"Fiiiiine," Yunho dragged out the word, ensuring that I heard his annoyance.

"I guess." Seonghwa's response was lackluster, but that was probably the best I would get from him. Then we went back to our video, hopefully, this one will get more views.

After filming, I picked up the camera and panned it to where San and his friends were. Smiling softly, I almost screamed when San looked in my direction and waved at me. Instead of waving back, I gave him a finger heart. The blonde responded in the same manner, resulting in my desire to go talk with him. I mentally sighed, knowing I was too shy to say anything anyways.

"What are you doing? I want a shake." Yunho had, without my notice, begun hovering over my shoulder.

"Nothing!" I responded way too quickly, making Seonghwa raise an eyebrow in amusement. Grabbing Yunho, we left to get some shakes before returning home to edit the video.

While I was editing the workout vlog, I noticed in the vlog that San was looking at me so I edited it and put some subtitles saying is san looking at me? Then went back to editing, I posted a story on Instagram and gave my followers a sneak peek of what's to arrive. after editing the video, I wanted to make something to eat. I picked up the phone and put on some shoes and grabbed my house keys and left to go order some food at McDonald's. When I got to McDonald's, I went up and ordered a big Mac with chicken nuggets and a large portion of fries to go. While I was waiting for my order I sat down and went on Instagram. And saw that san had liked one of my posts so I liked the photo and commented on it with some heart emojis on one of his posts. Then my order was ready, I got up, went to collect my order, and went home. What I didn't notice was Mingi was looking at me.

When I got home I ate then went back to editing and uploaded it to my channel posted on Instagram saying that I uploaded a new video and tweeted it as well I went on YouTube and saw that san uploaded a moving vlog and noticed it was right next to me the floor right above me I was so happy busy fanboying I didn't notice seonghwa watching me

"Wooyoung ish what are you doing?" said seonghwa Hyung

"Hyung, San moved to this building!"

"So?" he asked

"He moved right above me!" Hyung was surprised by what I said then we both started fanboying. After fanboying, we watched some Netflix and watched shadow hunters, and while we were watching the show my phone went off. I checked to see that it was a dm from San himself. I opened the dm and saw what he said.




oh my god you are DMing me, is this a dream


No its not


Oh my god well hi but just out curiosity why are you DMing me?


I just wanted to talk to you is all


Oh ok well I saw you at the gym but I didn't want to say anything


Aww why is that Wooyoung shii


I was too shy to talk to you but is it true that you are in my apartment building now


Really I didn't know but yea I am.


Oh ok well I should get to bed good night san


Good night wooyoung.

After the conversation, I went to sleep with a smile on my face knowing that I talked to Choi San, my crush.

I hope y'all like the first chapter I really worked hard on this and if you have any tips my DMS are always open see you soon also this chapter was edited by rykimchi thank you for helping me bye-bye.

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