Call to Her Destiny

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Post Speeder Slip but Pre Don't Leave Me and Felt Like Forever. Lani's point of view. In which Jalani Hal'star experiences something that she can't explain and Luke Skywalker visits her at work. Lani's boss acts mysteriously towards the two teens leaving them confused.

Something feels off today as I leave my sisters behind at home to make the long trek to work. It's a feeling I can't seem to shake at all. Almost as if something is calling to me, desperately trying to whisper a secret in my ear. Every once in awhile, I'll get a picture of something. The past? The future? I can never tell. It's so quick I can never tell if I recognize the people in the visions or not. Sometimes they happen in my dreams and sometimes they happen in broad daylight. The moment I blink, they disappear.

I asked Luke about these once and he says he's never had them. I've never had one when I'm with him. I don't know where he is. I only can feel his presence when he's real close to me.  Which apparently he's not because I can't feel him.

I keep running towards work, hoping against hope that someday someone will be able to explain this to me. I don't really think I'm anyone special or really entitled to anything because of these weird but vivid images, I just want someone to explain them to me.  If I get to help people with this power and do some cool things for the galaxy, great. But if not, I don't mind staying here on Tatoonie. Yeah, it's boring and nothing exciting happens here. Everyday feels like a fight to survive but, at least it's predictable...mostly. I know my place here, Luke is here, my sisters are safe here. As long as we keep our heads down, we are not in any real danger while we are here.

Luke has been wanting to leave since the day I met him three years ago. Now, we're both sixteen and much closer to getting out of here than we were when we first met. I would follow that boy from one end of the galaxy to the other as long as I knew my sisters were safe. I am not leaving them without protection. Tatoonie is not a dangerous place but it's not a place I just want to leave them without knowing that they can take care of themselves. As the oldest sister, I feel it is my responsibility to make sure that that is the case.

Paylee would readily take care of them. She's fourteen and already getting into trouble in Mos Eisley. She won't tell me for sure but I think she's involved with some gang activity.

That's exactly why I don't want to leave my sisters behind...yet. I want to make sure that Paylee is responsible enough to take care of them. If she can't stay away from the gang business or be in it and keep the rest of my sisters safe, then she's not ready to be in charge. I would take my sisters with me but I don't know how they would and if I get into danger, then all of us will be in danger. I don't want that to happen because I was stubborn in letting them stay here by themselves. 

Besides, I'm not sure I'm old enough or ready to leave here yet. Even though Paylee acts like she's in charge, she's not ready to take care of the others. I feel like my work here is not yet finished. There's something else I need to do or see before I leave here for a long time. 

I approach town and notice the flurry of activity that always seems to accompany Mos Eisley no matter the hour. Hurrying into work, I smile at my boss, who is an elderly lady by the name of Bola. No one really knows much about her besides that she works here and that she's got some kind of a mysterious history. She seems very quiet and reserved but there's just something about her that seems....different, almost refreshing from anyone else I've met on Tatoonie. She smiles kindly at me from my behind the desk where she helps people find whatever it is they need help finding. I walk back behind, find a collection of items to shelve and start working on shelving them.

I weave my way through the shelves, trying to find a place for the first file. Successfully placing it, I continue on to the next file and the next until something catches my eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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